Ava's Last Day of 3's Preschool!

Welp, my little Boobie completed her first year of school!

She attended Wing's Preschool 3 year old class two days a week since September.

My bubba! She has grown SO much in this last year. 

I'm so proud of this little girl and all that she's accomplished. She's made new friends, learned a TON and matured socially and emotionally as well.

We went to her preschool's end of the year picnic (it was supposed to be at a park, but weather...) They had lots of fun activities set up for the kids, a balloon toss to get teachers wet and yummy food!

Ava had fun! 

Check out this amazing side-eye! 

Getting her end of year box! Fun things she's made over the school year and an assessment form.

We are so proud! I can't believe she'll be heading into UPK next year. 5 days a week! 

Here's to a great summer!

Composting Update!!

I started my composting journey this year. And here's the update. 

My goal is to make my own nutrient rich soil for my garden.

And another update.

I found out that my town provided (for a $20 fee) a 3 x 3 x 3 wooden box that could be used for composting. They also provided a table top bin for scraps.

I just found out that they will be delivering my compost bin this Thursday (tomorrow!)

I'm so excited to see what this thing looks like and what, if anything needs to be done to it.

It arrived!

Hell yeah! I'm so excited to get this started! I need to find the right location for it, I need to get my "station" set up so to speak. 

Now I'm going to have to separate out my food scraps. Before, I would generally throw out any leftover meat and only give my chickens the veggies, rice, fruit, etc. But now I'll have to keep an even closer eye on it. 

For the "greens" which is nitrogen-rich materials likes food waste, including meats, bones, and citrus, grass clippings, yard trimmings, fresh manure. "Browns" are carbon-rich. materials like leaves, trimmings, straw, newsprint. 

I'll have to make sure to pile greens then browns to create the right layers for decomposition. I'll have to watch to make sure that the pile doesn't get too wet or dry out. 

There's a hatch on this 3 x 3 x 3 wooden box, to allow us to get the nutrient-rich soil from the bottom. 

And the garden starts, finally!

I think the fear of frost is finally gone. And it's May 29.


Steve went and rented a sod cutter so we could get started on the garden. My plants in the basement are about to outgrow their area and it's getting to be a pain. I feel like if I don't move them soon, they will start to suffer.

I have to make sure I keep enough space around each plant and to give myself space to get in there and weed, water and take care of them.

I also want to have a chicken run that will go around the perimeter of the garden, so the chickens can make their way around the outside of the garden (like a maze) and eat up bugs and whatnot. Plus, their poop can fertilize the ground over there!

Ruple Farms - garden
we cleared an estimated 30ft x 14ft area

We had maybe 5 loads of this? All of this sod was filled with yummy worms and 
grubs so we threw it all over the fence and let them go at it.

Our little, cute tiller was just not big enough for the job, so we rented one of these guys.

Getting there

Ruple Farms - Legacy's Mr. Mister
He's so tired from the weekend

Ruple Farms - Bella Dog
Spent the whole morning outside. (then the whole afternoon inside. Sigh. 
Still getting her used to this life!)

Ruple Farms - chickens - flock block
Got them a Flock Block - filled with worms, seeds, grains, corn, dried fruit, etc. 

Aunt Jennifer and Rob came over for dinner. It was gorgeous out! Such a nice visit. 

Memorial Weekend Remembrance and some fun, too!

Let's not forget why we all get a 3 day weekend this weekend.

Thanks to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country and our freedom. May we always remember those who served and never made it out of the uniform. 

We are not a military family. I had never really considered it an option - not because I don't want to serve, but more because I didn't know much about it. Everyone I knew was going on to college or some other higher education in a certain field (like Steve's trade school). I only knew of one person I had met while working at a daycare, we ended up in a relationship for a couple of months before he left for boot camp. That was pure hell. Saying goodbye to someone I cared deeply for was torture. Since we were so early on in the relationship, it just didn't last.

I know he made it home safely.

There are many who do not.

So, again, my sincere thanks to those who died serving our country.

And because of their sacrifice, the rest of America could enjoy a long weekend.

It was perfect weather, to boot.

Our dear friends over at Schimpf Farms were having a little get together.

They told us to bring the kids and the toys!

They live on over 20 acres in a town up north. They live near Nick, Steve's BFF. It's about a 45 minute ride for us.

Anyway, they have 4 awesome boys, all within 3.5 years. They had a set of twins in there! LOL.

They live on the best farm. This is seriously an awesome playground for adults and kids alike!

Schimpf Farms
They have 3 baby kids - 2 are for sale! If we only had a barn.

Schimpf Farms
They have goats and chickens. And ducks? maybe?

Schimpf Farms

Schimpf Farms

The girls loved the Ranger! 

Crossing the creek to get to the motocross track

This dog ran ALL DAY. 

Schimpf Farms - motocross track
These boys and their mini bikes (50cc)

Schimpf Farms - motocross track
Kenny in red (age 7), Jake in blue (age 10)

Nick being a girl and crawling vs. walking. 

Em and the tequila-infused, sugar/salt dipped strawberries. SO GOOD. Pinterest win!

Mila, such a good girl "gotta be buckled, mommy"

I should've been smarter about my footwear 

Schimpf Farms - drone
the big boys got the drone out

Schimpf Farms - drone
it can go up 400ft and has a 4K camera on it. Sick images. We're going to borrow it so we can see what's over the gorge behind our house. 

Schimpf Farms - fresh honey
They also have bees and have fresh honey!

Schimpf Farms - goats

Schimpf Farms - goats

Just moving some dirt around

Excavating. Look how happy he is! It was incredibly bumpy; this pic doesn't show how hard it is to sit there. 

We had a beautiful day! 

Friday Feels!

Hallelujah for a long weekend ahead! And many thanks to those who have sacrificed the ultimate for my freedom.

I woke up yesterday with quite the headache and an overall shitty feeling. I asked my boss if I could work from home and he said yes. Again, so thankful for a flexible job that allows me to do this. I was able to get about a half day's work in and tried to nurse my pounding head.

The weather was actually quite nice out and while it rained for a bit, the afternoon was sunny and warm.

Ruple Farms - Chickens
They love being out in the grass and foraging

Ruple Farms - Chickens - Brahma Rooster
My brahma rooster. He's taken over as our dominant male...after we...um, got rid of Abu.

Ruple Farms - Chickens - Brahma Rooster

Ruple Farms - Chickens - Brahma
A beautiful pair of Brahmas if you ask me!

Ruple Farms - Chickens - White Crested Polish
And my white crested polishes. Hilarious. 

Ruple Farms - Chickens - White Crested Polish

Ruple Farms - eggs for sale
Got these beauties yesterday! 

It was also gorgeous out so I opened up the doors to the coop to let it air out.

Hawaii Vacation Day 11 (Friday) - LAST DAY

Even though it's our LAST day, I've been so looking forward to today. Today is the day we get our TATTOOS!  Jennifer and I definitel...

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