Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a lovely Thanksgiving day.

Due to the state of our current situation, it's been advised that we limit gatherings to those only within our household. 

We've "broken" that rule by spending time with my mom and sister and Steve's parents during quarantine. 

Since it's my mom's first Thanksgiving home with us, we spent it with her. We stopped by our friend's house earlier in the day, then stopped at Steve's parent's for a little bit before heading to my mom's for dinner. 

I made all the sides, which is my absolute favorite. 

Mom made the turkey.

We had a pretty big spread! Not pictured: green bean casserole, dinner rolls and sweet potato casserole.

We failed to get a nice picture of the family and all the food in one pic, oops! We were too busy enjoying ourselves. 

It was a great day and I have to say that while it was different this year, it was still very enjoyable for us. I'm grateful for my little circle and I'll say it again - while it was a shitty ass year, there are still many things to be thankful for. 

We decorated Mom's house a bit, too. She's not a huge fan of seasonal decor, but I can't celebrate without it. I need the magic...and so do the kids. And once we got it all up, Mom looked super happy. 

Mom is making homemade stockings that will go on the mantle. 

Thanksgiving Prep

It's Thanksgiving week! 

It's been a bit busier at work than I'd like during a holiday week, but I'm also LOVING my new job, so I can't complain. 


The plan is to go to Steve's parents Thanksgiving late morning-ish then doing dinner at my mom's around 4:30. 

Because we'll be at Steve's parents tomorrow for part of the day, I won't have time to make all my sides. 

This is my FAVORITE part of Thanksgiving, I think.

The food prep.

I typically do all the sides and usually Steve's parents do the turkey. 

Since my mom is home this year, we're splitting the holiday. We haven't spent a real holiday with my mom in like 10 years, so we are very excited for tomorrow. 

Anyway, I got my stuff Sunday.

Mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, butternut squash casserole

This makes me smile. My kids were running around making noise. Steve was relaxing in a chair and me and my mom cooking. Also notice the Christmas tree we put up? Since I have a few...ahem...trees, I figured I could give my mom one ;)

Nothing like Grandpa Teenie's stuffing recipe

Almost there

Mom making eggrolls for lunch

Homemade mushroom cream sauce for the green bean casserole.

Almost there! 

I made the squash too, which I didn't get a photo of...but I got that put away, the stuffing is ready to go and I have to finish up the green bean casserole tomorrow when we get to mom's house. I plan on making the mashed potatoes when we get there since those don't take long at all.

Done cooking! Enjoying a beverage while mom and Jennifer eat a late lunch.

I'm so excited to be with my mom this year. It's been 10 years since we've done this - cook and prep for a holiday together. We also watched The Great British Baking Show Holiday Edition - which was just the cherry on top.

We'll head to Steve's parents tomorrow late morning and then plan to be at my mom's around 3. Dinner is at 4:30. 

Can't wait! 

Trail Cam

I mentioned before that we had a trail cam and had set it up to check on our chickens.

We caught this one guy snooping around.

We also got a raccoon on camera sniffing around the coop.

But after that? We kinda forgot about it.

The wind blew the camera so it was facing down and honestly? We were just being lazy.

So we put it back up and left it up for a week or more before checking the memory card. 

I was happily surprised to see TWO different bucks in our backyard.

One guy is pretty big - guessing an 8 pointer. 

The younger buck looks like a 4-5 pointer if I were to guess. 

Here's the younger buck.

Ruple Farms - deer in backyard

Ruple Farms - deer in backyard

Ruple Farms - creepy eyes in woods
Creepy. See the eyes?

Ruple Farms - Big Buck
And here's the Big Guy. Clearly you can see his rack is MUCH bigger!

I put the memory card back in and left it. We'll see in a few days what else we see. We are a little surprised that we didn't see anything other than deer! No raccoon, fox or anything! 

There's been bear sightings down the road from our house. So I'd freaking DIE if I saw a bear on one of our cameras! 

I Need A Little Merry In My Life

We are not "Respecting the Turkey" this year. 


If it were up to me, I'd put up my Christmas decorations November 1. 

Yes, let's get Halloween out of the way.

I love Fall, so I put up my Fall decorations in August (albeit the end of it).

So I do get a solid 2 months of Fall decorations.

We are normally the family that puts up Christmas decorations on December 1. 

That's because I live with Scrooge. 

Ok, so he's not really Scrooge and he really does love Christmas.

He just wants to love it in December and BONUS if it's snowing. 

If it's not? He would like to not think of Christmas.

He says I'll "wear it out" and it'll get old.

That's a big NOPE from me.

I am finally at the stage in my life that I feel like I have a good amount of decorations. Nothing insane. 

But a good, reasonable, respectable amount. 

First tree is up. It's my little 4ft tree in the dining room.

I moved my Christmas village to the dining room this year because we renovated our living room and the credenza they used to be on is no longer. We have a much smaller floating shelf now. I thought they'd look good here and they do! 

She's wearing Christmas jammies too! So cute. 

Our living room floating shelf - much smaller than before and I've kept it super simple. 

New pillow (and covers) and throw blankets! 

I have a few more pieces before I'd say it's completely done. But it feels good to have all my stuff up and the snow is falling today 😊


Tis the month to Give Thanks, is it not?

So this year has been a SHITTY year to say the least. 

For many, not just us. 

I know that our situation could've been much worse. I know there are a lot of people still suffering. 

But this year has definitely rocked me to my core. 

First, a Global Pandemic took over our lives. 

Schools closed and we were instructed to "homeschool."

Steve was/is considered "essential" so he thankfully kept his job. 

But that meant that he still went to work on a regular schedule and I was left home to take care of the kids, animals, homeschool them, AND work full time. 

At home. 

Without leaving. 


I damn near lost my mind after 6 weeks - finally accepting help from my mom who had just moved back to the area, but we were staying away from due to the pandemic. She finally just said "fuck it, we're all healthy and you're losing your mind, so just drop them off!"

And that helped immensely for a couple of months.

The job that I was recruited for (as in, I wasn't looking when I got this job, I was 'happy' at my previous place...but got recruited for this position).

Then Steve needed back surgery.

Like really? 

Like come the fuck on. 


I got a new job.

Steve is recovering well.

And I'm trying hard to be super thankful for everything I have. Even though it's been such a shitty year, I know it could've been worse. 

It WAS worse - for a lot of people.

Anyway, back to being thankful.

I'm thankful that I have my village back.

My mom moved home right before the pandemic hit and her support and love and PRESENCE has been beyond helpful and appreciated.

Moms have a way of just knowing when you're in a shitty spot.

We fight like crazy, but it's because we are literally the same person. Only I don't think I'm a narcissist (It's a long story). I love my mother to death but I also know my mother. If you know my IRL, you'll know what that means. 

Anyway, having her around lately has been so important to me. 

This woman shows her love by feeding you. A LOT. 

Isn't she just the cutest thing? 

My kids love being at her house (getting spoiled the second they walk in the door) and I'm so grateful for that. I never had a relationship with my grandparents because they didn't live in this country. And back then we didn't have FaceTime. And we didn't speak the same language. 

So when my parents moved away initially, I was heart-broken. 

But now? They spend so much time with my mom and sister and I'm SO THANKFUL for that.

This will be the first holiday season with my mom in person in like 10 years. 

2-3 Weeks Post Surgery

Steve is 2 weeks post-surgery and he's still on the upswing in terms of recovery. 


He has yet to experience the rollercoaster he's we've been prepared for.

Which is great...

But mentally? It's tough on him.

To feel this good and knowing he can't do anything yet.

I'm constantly reminding him to take it easy. 

And I know it gets annoying.

But I just see the anxiety building in him and I can tell he's about to go do something.

But he won't.

He knows the risks of re-herniating and going through this shit again is NOT WORTH IT OMG SO NOT WORTH IT.

So he's hanging in there.

His post-op appointment is this Friday at 1pm.

He's hoping the doctor will clear him to go back to work the following week (the 19th).

3 weeks post surgery.

He's feeling really good still. 

He went to his post-op appointment on Friday, November 13 and the NP seemed surprised and commented that he's a "fast healer." 

He is still on restrictions - even though he HAS been cleared to go back to work! He still cannot lift more than 15 pounds, he cannot bend or twist in any way.

Staples were removed and things look good.


He goes back to work Thursday.

13.5-hour shift.

He's not supposed to stand for too long. Nor is he supposed to sit for too long.

Let's see how it goes. 

I Just Can't Take It Anymore

It's no secret that our house is a chronic work in progress. 

Aren't they all?

When we bought this house 6 years ago (October 1!) we didn't buy it for the gourmet kitchen or updated bathrooms.

It had neither.

We bought it because of the land.

And the house wasn't 1,000 years old. 

While it could use some serious updating, it wasn't like it was stuck in the 1970's or anything.

The bones were good, if you will. 

And I was pregnant.

Mila was 2.5 years old. 

We were in our early 30's.

We knew we had a lot of updating to do.

We were prepared to tackle as much of it ourselves as possible and I think we've done a decent job of it.

We completely renovated our upstairs, including new paint, new carpet in bedrooms and new vinyl plank flooring in our loft.

We did a DIY kitchen renovation which I'm totally happy with. Is it professional? Absolutely not.

But we did it. We did it together and I think it came out beautifully. 

The one thing that's been just an EYE SORE FOR SO LONG?


But here's the thing. 

Floors for the entire first floor of our house is SO EXPENSIVE.

Like $15,000 expensive. 

For fuck's sake. 

There's something weird about our floors, too.

In the kitchen, we have the shittiest linoleum floors that are from every 1980's house. 

This house was built in 2003, people. 

Then, in the downstairs bedroom, we have the grossest, tan colored, wrinkled carpet that is infested with the past two families' dead foot skin.

Yes, I said it. 

So whatever, we shampooed that shit when we moved it and just went with it. 

The other living areas? Dining room and great room? Beautiful Brazilian Cherry hardwoods. 

Like what? Why are these floors so on the opposite sides of the quality spectrum? Why go so expensive with one floor and then literally the CHEAPEST for the other?

Oh yeah, as with EVERYTHING we're learning with this house, it APPEARS that the original owner simply ran out of money when he built the house. 

I mean, not to judge, because WE literally had NO MONEY when we bought this house. 

And then we went and had our second baby 2.5 months after moving in. So yeah. 

Then we got a puppy the following summer.

Then 3 years later we added a rescue dog to our lives.

And this master bedroom carpet...has seen better days.

Weird bleach marks? The wrinkles? Ugh drives me NUTS. 

If you follow my blog, you've likely seen in my mirror selfies the gross dog pee spots. I know. So gross.

Trust me. I'm living in it. 

I've scrubbed, I've RESOLVED, I've used powder and vacuumed. It just won't come out.

And then on Saturday?

I woke up at 3am to MR. making that famous puke sound.

I didn't wake up in time. 

So I had to pick up chunks of vomit at 3am.

I shoved his ass outside and went back to bed.


And we are.


Because we legit don't have $15,000 for the entire downstairs, we are just doing an "interim" vinyl plank floor to buy us some time.

We're not trying match our Brazilian Cherry - because while they are lovely, they are NOT the finished I'd choose. You can legit see every single foot print, paw print, mark etc. on these floors. I'd much prefer a matte finish. 

Anyway, so instead, we're going for a completely white-ish wood look. 

We chose this floor.  

We just hope this floor lasts us maybe 10 years until we can get really nice hardwoods everywhere.

Until then...

This needs to withstand kids, dogs, LIFE. 

We will get an area rug, and if and when that gets gross we can at least throw it away and get a new one.

Still waiting to get it scheduled - we're having Home Depot install it, due to Steve's back. 

Presidential Election 2020

I haven't posted anything about this year's Presidential Election.

It's not that I haven't been following along.

I'm not well versed in the topic of policies, per se. I care about government. I vote.

But I'm not like ENGRAINED in it. 


I AM well versed in the topic of being a nice human.

Of NOT being a fucking racist.

Of humanity.

Of Science.

Of Truth.

Of Respect. 

I don't voice my opinion that loudly about these types of topics.

Honestly? Because between me and Steve's families, there are lots of opinions. So we don't talk about it.

I get it. 

I get why someone would vote for the incumbent. 

I'm not going to list them out, because well, I just don't care.

Here's the thing for me.

I can't say our President-Elect Joe Biden is my first choice. 

What I CAN say is that I feel better when I listen to him.

I feel like he gives a shit about the American people.

He appointed a BROWN WOMAN as his VP. 

He wants to combat the Coronavirus and rejoin the World Health Organization.

So yeah. It's a big deal.

And what's probably the biggest deal for ME PERSONALLY? 

I told me girls that day:

"Guess what you and the VP Elect Kamala Harris have in common? A couple things, actually."


"You're female."


"You're half Asian"

"What?! No way! That's awesome!!"

They may not understand the importance of this, but I do.

Little girls aspire to be what they can see. 

Sunny and 70's

Well folks, I mentioned the crazy weather we've been having.

It's glorious.

We pretty much stayed outside the entire weekend. 

Such a nice day. The sun is shining right down on Mr. 

We set up our trail cam in a different spot - a natural path that the deer take. Hoping to get a pic of whatever lives back here!

Mila also had her BFF and her BFF's twin over for an outside playdate. Including masks! It was AMAZING to see them run around and play outside ALL AFTERNOON. We hadn't seen these friends since their birthday in September. 

Still enjoying the sandbox Steve built when we moved to this house 6 years ago.

I went to my mom's house for a bit on Sunday - we hadn't seen her in over a week - since Steve's surgery when she brought food over. 

It was lovely. 

I love that they love it there.

I ended up taking a nap on the couch while my mom and the girls were outside. I woke up and I see that my kids are across the street with the neighbor kids, just running around. I didn't get a chance to grab a pic since I had planned to be home earlier so I was rushing to pack up. It was so cute to see them all - there were two additional girls, I don't know who they are, but there were 6 of them running back and forth between houses and it totally reminded me of my childhood. 

A few more days of this weather before it all goes to shit. 

Crazy Weather


I get it.

I've lived in the Rochester, NY area my ENTIRE LIFE. Well, except when I lived in the next city over when I went to university. 

And that city was also known for its horrendous snow storms because of Lake Erie. 

It snowed here the other day.

And now?

We're looking at a full week of amazing weather. 

Like, WUT?

Gotta love Western New York. 

Hawaii Vacation Day 11 (Friday) - LAST DAY

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