Surgery Day

We did all the necessary things yesterday to prep for surgery.

I wrapped up my last work day for the week (I'm off Wednesday/Thursday/Friday) and started to prep everything. 

I washed all the laundry in the house.

I made sure he had clean sheets on the mattresses he's been living on for the last 3+ weeks. (I've washed them several times at this point, but the night of they needed to be freshly washed).

His favorite sweat pants/comfy pants have been washed. 

Once sheets were washed, carpets and floors were vacuumed and mopped, I put the dogs away. They have been snuggling with Steve on his mattress for the last few days and let's just say it's...not the cleanest. 

It's not like gross or anything - our dogs aren't that gross but there IS dog hair everywhere. 

The night before Surgery. We watched Ali Wong's standup. She's fucking hilarious. 


We called and our arrival time is 10:50am.

We thought I'd be allowed to stay with him since it's back surgery and it's just me.


Fuck COVID. 

So I have to drop him off and pick him up. 


So because of COVID, once we got to the parking lot, we had to call. The receptionist was a LOVELY woman, super nice and funny. But her voice. OMG. It was Roz from Monsters, Inc. 

So now I wait. 

I got our bedroom almost back to normal.

We've been texting and he's just in a room waiting for the surgery to start. He said it'll be closer to 2pm when they finally start. 

The surgeon called me at 2:50pm and told me all went well. Nothing was unexpected and that "the nerve was crushed." Welp.

I was able to finally talk to him around 3:50 and spoke with the nurse about discharge.

He told me he had ZERO leg pain.

I went and picked up his RX and then went to the hospital parking lot to wait for him.

Got him home and settled - he stayed upright for a bit before this pic was taken. He was to get up every 2 hours unless he's sleeping.

Legit sitting - comfortably - for the first time in weeks. He LOOKS better. 

Thank you to EVERYONE who reached out and sent love. We felt it all. 💖💓💕

1 Day Until Surgery

You guys.

We made it. 

He made it.

I could cry just thinking about how strong my husband is.

Yes, he's a big, burly dude who looks like a criminal some days. 

He's strong in the physical sense. 

Our current situation has shown me another side of him.

I KNOW he's in pain. I can hear it in his voice.

I can see his legs shaking as he tries to change positions. 

Yet, every night as we "get ready for bed" he asks what movie I want to watch and says "date night!"

This man. 😍

He still laughs at the same Seinfeld episodes over and over again. 

All while in pain. 

I have to say though, the last two nights he's been able to make it without having to take his meds in the middle of the night. 

He's not sleeping through the night by any means, but I guess the pain isn't SO bad that he feels he needs the "cocktail" (that's what we've been calling it when he takes all three meds at one time - when timed appropriately). 

On The Last Day, we're supposed to get him clean. 


I can't help it. 

Steve is mortified. 

Because he clearly cannot do it himself. 

And there's a specific way to do it. 

He needs to shower today and then I need to wipe him down with these wipes.

We call the hospital between 2pm - 5pm to find out what time we're supposed to be there Wednesday morning. 

The morning OF the surgery he's not supposed to shower or shave, but needs to be wiped down again. The poor guy. I seriously feel for him in that regard that he can't do this himself and hates that I have to do it. 

I really try not to make a big deal about it and just do it and thankfully he DOES have a sense of humor and can laugh with me. 

Just one more day of suffering. 

2 Days Until Surgery

I took the girls to my mom's Friday after school. This will give me a little bit of a break. Instead of caring for 3 people, it'll just be one. 

And I also picked up food because moms are awesome like that. 

Friday was absolutely gorgeous. I felt so badly for Steve that he could not enjoy this day. Likely our last nice day of 2020!

It was 80 degrees and sunny out. 

Ruple Farms in Fall

Ruple Farms in Fall

With the kids at my mom's house, Steve and I just hung out the two of us.  I moved my location on our bed so I could "hang out" with him. Poor guy.

Saturday morning I asked him if he wanted me to move his set up out to the living room. 

I always feel guilty "pawning" my kids off to someone else. However, I must remember that this is my mom, their grandmother, who loves them more than life itself. The girls love spending time with their "Popo" and it just melts my heart.

I try to remind my mom not to spoil them too much, but then I try to remember that she's their Grandma and she can spoil them if she wants. She's an adult and knows what she's doing. 

I do warn her to "be strong" and she literally texts me back with "Haha OK" 😂

My mom's house is 5 minutes from the Target I used to frequent when I was younger. Funny how life goes full circle like that. 

They enjoyed a little shopping trip while me and Steve were busy trying to keep him as comfortable as possible and to keep his pain level under a 4. 

After Target they went to the Mall. It's been at least 6 months since my kids have been to the Mall. I made sure to remind them to mask up, not to touch anything and use sanitizer frequently.

I also tried to remind my mom that Christmas is coming and that she should NOT be buying them a ton of new toys. They each scored 3 new outfits and a new doll. 

And of COURSE sorbet at the Mall!

This is one of Steve's traditions with them. Since his schedule allows him days off during the week, before COVID, he'd take the girls (or whomever didn't have school or when they were babies) to the Mall and get sorbet and ride the carousel. I loved that they had this tradition with him. Glad my mom can step in while Steve's out of commission. 

Sunday morning Steve had his COVID test prior to surgery. It was right across from the hospital that's near our house, so super convenient. I dropped him off at the door and he was done in about 5 minutes. 

He said it really wasn't all that unpleasant. He said they swabbed up his nose and almost down his throat and right when he was about to gag, it was over. I guess they warned him that his eyes would start watering and his nose would start running. 

We got there early and got done early as well. We were back home by 10am. 

The plan was to pick up the girls around dinner time so they could do homeschool Monday and Tuesday before going back to my mom's house while Steve had his surgery.

I walked in the door to my mom's and while the girls were super excited to see me, they both asked if they could spend one more night. I told them that they couldn't just do one more night because I didn't want to deal with driving back and forth Monday AND Tuesday AND Wednesday. If they spent the night Sunday night, they were staying until Wednesday evening. 

They agreed.

Ok then. 

I ate some dinner and chatted with mom for a bit before kissing the girls goodbye again. I'm SO grateful they love my mom and feel comfortable being there for days at a time. It's always been a dream of mine to have my village and I finally have it. And the help is just so appreciated. 

Moms are just great like that I guess. I know they'll eat well, get their hair brushed, take showers, etc. while at my mom's house lol. And while I HATE feeding my kids every 2 hours, my mom will thoroughly enjoy it. 😂

And I can "relax" until Surgery Day.

I can focus on work Monday and Tuesday before I'm off for the rest of the week. 

I can focus on Steve and make sure he's ok.

We had him shower Sunday (that's a WIN in our book!)

He won't have to shower again before The Surgery. I'm supposed to wipe him down with these special towelettes lol. 

I'm sure he's gonna love that. 

5 Days Until Surgery

Welp, folks. 

We've gotten to a place that I legitimately never thought we'd get to. 

It's bad you guys.

It's pretty clear he's not about to be moving out of this position. 

Like AT ALL. 

Mr. is incredibly concerned about Steve. He wants to be UP IN HIS FACE all the time and he just can't be. He can't be leaning up against him. I let the dogs get in there with him today while the girls were in school so they could see he was ok. They all napped for a few hours and I think that calmed Mr. down a bit. 

Ava has the best mattresses in the house (next to the queen in our spare bedroom). They are firm and memory foam. But bendable. She has two because of having bunk beds (THANK GOD). 

So I started with one of Ava's twin mattresses, folded on the floor.

Then I got the other one down.

The girls will be sharing a room (and subsequently NOT SLEEPING) until at least Surgery Day. 

It has gotten so bad he legit cannot stand up or walk at this point anymore. His legs have simply given out on him. They've supported his weight for the past 3 weeks without any relief. At the hospital they have scales built into the beds, so the weight that was on the bed when he was kneeling on the chair was 120lbs. 

His forearms have developed calluses from holding his body up for so long 😢

Also? Keeping track of all of his meds is LEGIT. I'm so glad I'm Type A and organized.

I need to time them all right. 

Some are every 6 hours. 

Some are every 8 hours.

Some are 1-2 pills each time.

Some are 1 each time.

There's a max though of acetaminophen of 3000mg so I have to calculate in Tylenol as well. 

This shit has GOT to be fucking up his stomach. He's also taking stool softeners to um, well, help things along. 

In order to shower (which is every couple of days), we get him drugged up and we do a quick shower - like literally 1-2 minutes of him standing in the shower and then he's out so he can lean up against the half wall in our bathroom and I basically dry him off and get him dressed. 

We are alternating heat and cold.  

5 more days. 

6 Days Until Surgery

We're barely hanging on. Just barely. 

Like, I'm thisclose to calling 911 all day long.

It's been ROUGH.

I feel absolutely, 100% terrible for Steve. He's in SO much pain and is just simply suffering.

All day long. With very little relief.

He ran out of meds Monday and went until Tuesday at 6pm before he got them refilled. 

He hasn't been able to recover again from that day without any medication in his system.

He had his Pre-Op appointment Wednesday morning at 8am. He had planned to go himself.

But, after Monday and Tuesday we pretty much knew that wasn't going to be possible. 

So I got my ass up at 7am, got the girls out of bed and in the truck and got him to his appointment.

Breakfast in the car - dry cereal, a banana and water. We also started watching Honey I Shrunk the Kids while we wait in the parking lot for Steve during his appt. 

And man, I'm telling ya. We almost didn't make it.

He rode in the truck, in the passenger seat, facing backwards, kneeling over the back of the seat. 

We've been just managing the best we can in our current situation.

This is the position he has been in since Monday (it is Wednesday night at 10pm right now as I type this)

This is how we home school. And work. This is literally my life right now. Steve was attempting to do math with Mila while I was on a call and I could hear the frustration in his voice. So I was able to take a break and focus on my girl and get her through 3 assignments and 2 quizzes. 

I'm desperately trying to hold on. 

I'm trying to keep things in perspective.

Steve will get better.

He will get fixed.

This is fixable.

As much as I try to remind myself of this DAILY. Sometimes HOURLY, I sometimes slump into a funk. I will catch myself crying as I brush my teeth. Or as I'm putting on socks. Or taking out the trash. Whatever. I try REALLY hard not to cry in front of the girls OR Steve just because I don't want them to feel bad. It's not anyone's fault and we just need to get through it. 

But it's fucking hard you guys.

I am literally juggling 2 kids, one man, two dogs, two skinny pigs and 40 chickens. 






Picking up after.

Working full time.

Conference calls.

ACTUAL WORK (proposals, timelines, estimates, communication with clients, vendors and teammates)

Making lunches for the girls' school days.

Making sure homework and school papers are complete and in back packs.

Doing the bedtime routine. 

Doing the morning routine. 

Being mommy and snuggling with my babies. 

Not to mention neither of us are sleeping more than 2-3 hours at a time. So on top of it all, I'm super crabby. 

My heart goes out to caregivers who do this on the daily, for any length of time. 

I've been doing it for 12 days and it's just plain exhausting.

Now let me be clear - I'm not exactly complaining. I'm just saying what's fact. 

It's my responsibility to do it. 

I wouldn't want anyone else to do it.

I do it because I love him and my family and I'll do what I need to do to keep us afloat. 

6 days until The Surgery. 

Waiting For Surgery

You guys.

I'm not even the one dealing with the hard part and it's brutal.

This poor man.

We have 9 days until The Surgery That's Supposed To Give Him Relief. 

We are counting down the days.

We have gotten into a "routine" of sorts. 

It's rough. I don't even know how he's coping.

The days are all over the place in terms of how he's feeling.

Some days he'll "wake up" feeling "ok" and when I say that, he tells me he's at a Pain Level 2-3 (out of 10). And he man doesn't sleep for more than 1-3 hours at a time. If he gets 3 hours in a row, we count that as a win.

If he remains in one position for too long (more than say, an hour?) he will have a hard time moving from that position and he's at a Pain Level 5-6. 

He's feeling more and more restless, too. I don't blame him.

There's only so much TV one can watch. 

And, through all of this, he can still say to me "at least I get to be home with family for a while, I'm enjoying spending all this time with you" THIS MAN. 😭

He's in SO much pain and that's what he thinks of. 

On one of the days when he was at least walking, he picked up some games and toys for the girls.

We have enjoyed several "Family Nights" lately. 

Thank goodness for my mom - she has been cooking for us so I don't have to cook more than like once a week. Moms are awesome like that. 

We told Ava that her greasy, sticky fingers were NOT allowed. (And WOOF check out the bags under my eyes! Ha!)

I Had To Call 911

Have you ever heard 210 pounds hitting the floor? 

I hadn't. 

Not until Thursday night. 

Steve has a bad back (herniated, bulging discs in his lower back - specifically L4, L5, and S1). We've been dealing with this for about 15 years if my memory serves me correctly.

It flares for whatever reason: randomly (like this time), or something like picking up Ava the wrong way. Or sneezing. It happens maybe once every year or every other year? Sometimes it's not bad at all - a couple of days of stiffness or pain, a few Ibuprofen and he's on his way. 

5 years ago he had a very bad flare up. So bad he needed large dose of steroids (Prednisone) and then he went in for a cortisone shot (in his back, people, in between vertebrae, under X-Ray). That worked and he hasn't had any issues since then. 

Until last week. 

He woke up last Sunday (October 4) in pain. 

It has gotten progressively worse. And then Thursday night (10/8) I experienced something I wish to never experience again. 

But I did. 

My husband is what you'd call a "man's man" if you will. He's big, relatively burly at 6'2" and 210lbs. He's my mountain man, lumberjack, mechanic husband. 

My everything. 

I woke up Thursday night to the loudest, most deadening THUD and a guttural groan from the floor. I wake up in a panic to see Steve LAID out on the floor. 

Prior to this, he was on his stomach, on our bed, perpendicular to me, laying "normally." 

He tried to get up from this position to get some cereal and pinched the nerve. The pain was so excruciating and he was "stuck" because of the bulging discs pressing on his sciatic nerve, going all the way down his left leg. 

So in order to get himself out of this position, he flung his body off the bed and landed on top of the dog, who was on the floor. He was then stuck on the floor for about 45 minutes and he was in the most pain he's ever been in (that's what he told me later). 

I witnessed my big, strong husband in an incredible amount of pain and there was nothing I could do. For a minute I sat there rocking and crying. Then I just asked "what can I do" while he's WRITHING in pain on the floor, on his stomach. Just groaning and moaning and ugh. It was horrible. 

He managed to get his arms up on our bed, but he has ZERO core strength to life himself up vertically. I can't lift him. I mean, I've been working out, but NOPE. 

I end up crawling underneath him on my hands and knees so his chest/stomach is on my back. I then lift up and give him enough leverage to stand up. Once he was up, he was MUCH better. 

I was so terrified I told him we were NOT waiting for his appointment ON MONDAY. 

Fuck that shit. 

Here's the thing. Steve isn't a dramatic person. 

He doesn't always tell the 100% truth about his pain and all of that.

So he wanted me to go with him because he knows I'll be loud about it. 

So we get the appointment for after the girls' half day of school and head there.

Well, because of FUCKING COVID, I'm not allowed back there with him. He promises me he'll tell them everything - hitting the floor, being unable to move and in HORRIBLE pain for 40 minutes. 

So he comes out to the parking lot, limping and the doc has prescribed some steroids, which is what we knew he needed. I knew the dosage they gave him seemed weak. It just did. I've been on this drug enough times to know. 

So we were SO hopeful that Friday night would be better. Just enough relief to let the poor man sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time. 


First, I will say, if you haven't heard your significant other yell out in extreme pain, you are lucky. 

This time I witnessed the whole thing, unfortunately. 

The first time is burned into my brain. I keep getting flashes. 

It reminds me of the time my dad was suffering and I was the only one there for him. 

I felt so helpless. 

We got the girls to bed and settled in. He was anxious already because of the previous night. We thought we got him in a good position. But then, we made a mistake.

We let his head/shoulders get below his hips. 

As I tried to get couch cushions ready to let him shimmy over, he must've moved or something and the nerve pinched. He screamed out in pain and THREW HIMSELF ON THE FLOOR AGAIN. 

The pinch didn't unpinch and he proceeded to writh in pain on the floor, making sounds I had never heard before. 

I was terrified beyond belief. 

I managed to squeak out "I have to do something, I'm calling 911" and he said "yeah, you need to call someone."

So I called 911 and got EMS on their way.

It took them almost 30 minutes. 

This entire time, the pain never let up. He was pulling himself forward with his arms and dragging his legs behind him to try to relieve the pressure off the nerve. 

None of it worked. 

At this point, his yelling in pain has woken up Ava so I have to run up to her and comfort her quick and then come back down and keep checking on Steve and keep checking the door. We live out in the middle of nowhere, remember, so my house isn't easy to see at 4am. 

Running back and forth between Steve in our bedroom and the front door. 

Once EMS got there, they saw and heard him on the floor and worked to get him into a standing position. By this point it had been maybe 40 minutes of intense, unrelenting pain. 

Once he was up on his feet, the pain lessened, but not much. He was being stubborn and didn't want to take the ride in the ambulance. But he did go, after some persuasion (and tears and me threatening to call his mother at 4am). 

He spent about 9 hours at the hospital and because of COVID, I wasn't allowed to go with him anyway, so I stayed back with the kids and waited for the phone call.

He was able to get an emergency MRI and the results are terrible. 

The morning doctor is the one who saw the scans and he went to see Steve before discharging him and said "Holy shit you can take a lot of pain, you have a VERY big issue going on here - it's not anything new, but it's much worse than we thought."

He has bulges pushing on his sciatic nerve that's 1.5cm X 1.1cm X .8cm. 

That's pretty big. 

The doctor, after seeing the scans was not at all surprised he was in the ED and arrived via ambulance. 

I've never been so scared. I've never seen him like that and I hope to never see it again. 

But that's what I said Thursday night...

The anxiety is real people. He just needs to sleep and rest for a few hours. 

His dad went out and bought him a power recliner so he can give his body some relief and be on his back. Up until now he's been stuck on his stomach in a kneeling position, like he's praying in a church pew. 

We went out and bought this little stool and cut the legs on it. Steve said to me "it reminds me of the stool in Beauty and the Beast" lol I love this man. But yes, he's been sleeping like this, too. We knew this was ok because when he was at the hospital, they raised the bed as high as it could go and he kneeled on a chair like this for like 8 hours. His knees/legs are gonna be shot, but so far so good. 

He found this to be a comfortable position. He was able to sleep one night like this for a few hours before switching back to his belly/kneeling position. I get up each time with him to get him set up. And he needed help with his socks, so I took the opportunity to put fuzzy socks on him. LOL. 


On Tuesday, 10/13 we saw a Neurosurgeon. 

He looked at Steve's MRI scans and within 10 seconds said to us "Well, you're not lying. You have a couple of severe herniations and we can either do shots, more physical therapy, or I can fix it." 

We asked him what "fix it" meant.

Minimally Invasive Surgery.

Discectomy to remove the herniated part of the discs. He has two bad herniations.

One inch and a half long incision to get to both parts. Then lobbing off the protrusions that are literally squeezing the nerve between it and bone. 

The doctor said it's a 95% success rate and for the other 5% it's usually due to the fact that so much damage had been done prior to surgery. 

Surgeon said it'd take about 3 hours and he'd walk out of there.

Recovery is about 3 weeks. Although that's obviously not going to get him back to 100% - he'll have to do a lot of physical therapy and rehab and such to get range of motion and strength back. Hopefully within 6 months he'll be feeling close to 100% again. Or by 6 months he'll get to "as good as he's going to get" stage and we'll see what that is. 

Steve asked specifically if after surgery he'd be back lifting, skiing, etc. And the doctor said "that's why we do surgery, so you can go back to living."

We're probably going to go for it.

It's scheduled for October 30. We are hoping to get in sooner and there's a chance it can happen on the 28th. 

Now we just have to get him through the next two weeks. 

*Steve gave me permission to blog about this topic and about his ongoing recovery journey. 

Homework with Ava

The girls' school work isn't all that challenging. Mila could be challenged more, but it's not terrible for 3rd grade. 

Ava on the other hand. Good Lord. What's expected of her in Kindergarten is shit she's been doing for at least 2 years.

Some of it we just laugh with her while she completes the assignment while rolling her eyes. I'm not even kidding.

"How do you say POLICE MAN"


"Now repeat after me"

Like WTF? Ava looked at us like You've Gotta Be Kidding Me.

But, some of it is cool, too! 

Cutting/pasting and labeling parts of a tree.

Read a book together and she had to identify the main characters and draw them. And indicate if she liked the book or not. 

Next up, scavenger hunt! 

And no, we don't change out of pajamas on homeschool days. 

Because I think they both can be challenged more, Steve and I decided that we'd supplement their learning with our own stuff.

Nothing formal of course.

I got them KiwiCo STEM projects. This Halloween themed one arrived first and they put it together with Steve (which is why I don't have any pics). But they put this together and then did some science to get the bubbling cauldron going!

I have another one on its way that is a mechanical gear STEM project. I actually picked that one out for Steve, figuring he'd love to work on it with the girls.

If this turns into something they like, I may sign us up for the subscription where they each get a box each month. We'll see. 

So far the one was really cool (that's what they told me since I could not participate). 

Continuing to look for challenging crafts and projects for them. They are flying through the regular school stuff that's being assigned.


I've always loved other people's DAY IN THE LIFE blogs.

I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I get to see that other people are just as much a hot mess as I am. HAHA!

I haven't done a TRUE DITL post, one that actually followed a particular day. Well! You're in luck today! I decided it was a good day to do one of these. It's a work day and I chose to head into the office to work for part of the day. Steve's home with the girls.

Got an early start (for me at least). Up at at 'em before 7am.

Gotta take my pills.

Need my water. This MIO version has caffeine + B vitamins

Sun's not up yet. I love how quiet it is in the mornings before everyone else gets up. As soon as they're all up - it gets LOUD! 

Completed a quick 30 minute upper body routine. Worked out all parts: chest, back, all 3 parts of the delts, arms. I did supersets, so my arms were FALLING OFF when I was done!

I was in the shower by 7:35. It's FREEZING in our house, so I turned on the heater BEFORE I went down to work out. The bathroom was TOASTY for my shower! 

8:15 - dressed and make up on. Time to make some coffee and say hi to the girls. 

What a shitty day.

In the car and toasting my butt. 


Yep - just about 40 minutes to get to work. Since the majority of us are WFH, there's no pressure to get in to the office at any particular time. We technically open at 8am...

Masked up and ready to head in. 

Got a couple things set up today: new laptop stand and my cork board. 

Work, work, work, work, work.

I'm just doing work and have a few meetings/phone calls.  I am then stopping at my mom's house for a late lunch and to pick up some pain meds for Steve. His back is all out of whack again and he hasn't been able to sleep. So hopefully some pain meds will help. 

Spent a few hours in the office. It feels good to be able to focus and crush some work. 
Time to head to mom's house.

She has this crazy red pepper plant. 

After hanging with my mom and sister for maybe 15-20 minutes, it was time to head home. I had to eat lunch and prep for a meeting I had in the afternoon.

I started with this, but the sweet potato/carrot side I got from ALDI was not a hit...

So I made this delicious salad instead. Fresh tomatoes from my garden are just SO good. 

3pm. My conference call view. 

For the next hour I got my stuff organized, checked items off my list and got assigned a few more tasks. I'm loving how busy I am. 

4:30pm. I grabbed my phone so I could still be "online" with my team. Time to take Miss Bella Boo out for our walk. I usually try to do it during lunch but since I was actually at the office...

Gorgeous afternoon for a walk. I heard some noise in the woods...

And I found my family. Building a tree house? 


This one bright orange tree is just my fave. 

Time to get dinner ready!

I opted to do a "breakfast for dinner" and leftovers tonight. Something easy for a weekday. 

We were all so hungry I failed to get a picture of our meal! But it was delish nonetheless. 

Dinner was done and cleaned up by 6:15pm.

After dinner I did a quick check in at work. I love having flexibility. 

And then it was FINALLY time to sit and relax.

The girls hadn't been on their tablets/screens all day (other than for school), so it was their turn too, for some quiet time. 

Girls are in bed and I am in bed! Score! 

Haha! I can't relax just yet. 
Not before I do a little work. Benefits of WFH and flexibility. 
I can work anytime, anywhere. It's amazing. 

And I just noticed that Seinfeld is on our TV screens. It's easily Steve's favorite show of all time. 

Bella is one tired girl. We let her snuggle in bed for a bit but she needs to spend the night in her crate. 

Ok, now for real. Time for bed. 6:30 gets here real fast. 

Hawaii Vacation Day 11 (Friday) - LAST DAY

Even though it's our LAST day, I've been so looking forward to today. Today is the day we get our TATTOOS!  Jennifer and I definitel...

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