Eleven Years

Eleven years ago I married my best friend. 

I know a lot of people say they married their best friend, but I really did.

We were friends first.

We met when I was 15. So many memories hanging out in his driveway.

Started dating at 23.

Bought a house together at 25. 

Engaged at 26.

Married at 28.

I can honestly say that we are friends first. We get along so well. We complement each other.

I'm super rigid and Type A.

He's super laid back and Type F (haha, I mean, Type B)

It just works.

I've always said that when we're 90 years old, I want to still laugh with him like I do now. I want to sit in our recliners, holding hands, laughing our asses off at something. 

Here's a quote that his sister Lisa read at our wedding, 11 years ago that still rings so true for us today:

It is often said that it is love that makes the world go round. However, without a doubt, it is friendship that keeps our spinning existence on an even keel. True friendship provides so many of the essentials for a happy life - it is the foundation on which to build an enduring relationship, it is the mortar that bonds us together in harmony, and it is the calm, warm protection we sometimes need when the world outside seems cold and chaotic. True friendship holds a mirror to our foibles and failings, without destroying our sense of worthiness. True friendship nurtures our hopes, supports us in our disappointments, and encourages us to grow to our best potential.

Happy anniversary to my one and only.

Junior Prom, 1999

High School Graduation, June 2000

Family Hike at Grimes Glen, Spring 2021

First Pool Day of The Season - and it wasn't at our house.

The housing market is off the chain right now.

People who are selling are getting crazy amounts over asking price and with no inspections to boot. 


Steve's buddy from work decided to sell his house and get this - got $80,000 over asking. 



Legit insane.


He had some siding that needed some work so Steve offered to help him out. 

He spent one Sunday morning there from about 6:30am - noon. 

He said that they weren't done and that if we wanted to tag along, we could hang by his gorgeous inground pool. 

The weather wasn't supposed to be super hot - only around 72-74 but sunny.

Steve tells me the pool is heated. 

Of course it is. 

And it was a stunning backyard. Absolutely stunning.

Mila doing a cannonball - you can see where they are putting up the siding at the back of the house. 

I kept following the sun and it ended up being absolutely gorgeous. It was downright HOT at certain points and I loved every second of it.

I love summer! And having BOTH of my kids know how to swim without floaties is going to make this summer even better!!

Pool's Open - It's Officially Summer!

We've been having some super nice weather the last few days and while it's still too early to get excited about anything consistent, we are using this time to get our pool open and ready for the season. 

As you know, we live in Western NY and that means that we have full-on seasons. If it's not summertime, it's not going to be hot enough to go swimming. Winter starts in November and ends sometime in April if we're lucky. 

Then we have wet, rainy, sopping rain weather for a few weeks that is so gross. Chilly, wet weather.

And then sometimes I feel like it just becomes Summer quickly after that. 

Friday was 88 degrees out. 

Although this week we expect Friday to only be in the 50's. 


But, we used the semi-nice day yesterday to get started on the pool opening process.

Pumping water out of the cover AND washing the quad at the same time. #redneckcarwash

I'm still SO grateful we built our deck at this size. I'm hoping to get our patio furniture out today (Monday). It started to rain so we had to go in. 

Mila started looking real old lately...not sure how I feel about it.

It started to rain a bit, but we got the cover off without any major issues.

He made one trip so far to fill the pool back up. We think it'll be maybe 8-10 trips. I took the time to skim all the shit off the top of the pool. There's still a lot more to do, but I got a good amount of crap off the top. Still a bunch of leaves at the bottom, but we'll get it. 

There's actually a chlorine shortage right now! I guess like with everything else...toilet paper, gas...people are hoarding. Not sure. But, there's a freaking shortage. Thankfully Steve had gotten enough last year (we normally buy in bulk) so we should have enough for a couple of months. 

Here we go, Summer!

I'm very excited to get this season going. 

May 19, 2021

It's a historic day 'round these parts.

There are new mask guidelines out.

The CDC says fully vaccinated people "can resume normal activities that they did prior to the pandemic."

"Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance."

Local businesses around my area have already put out statements that they are either saying vaccinated people can go maskless - but not how they would exactly police that.

Other organizations I'm seeing are requesting proof of vaccination in order to go maskless. This is like where I get my eyelashes done at a salon. Due to the nature of the work, we can't exactly physically distance - employees will continue to wear masks, and they ask patrons to show proof of vaccination or mask up.

I will be honest. I will feel weird going maskless. I will feel naked. 

Steve is ready to go maskless. I understand. He has/had to wear a mask at work all day long. 

I didn't since I work from home. 

However, even after the CDC put out guidelines, NYS had to decide whether or not it would follow the same guidelines.

We heard Monday that yes, we would be.

And we heard that Wednesday, May 19 is the day.

Of course, there are people who have openly said "I'm not about to get vaccinated, but I'll lie so I don't have to wear a mask anymore." 

Ok - I guess? I mean, I feel for the people who cannot get vaccinated. Those with compromised immune systems, or kids under 12. 

My two littles will still need to mask up when they are out and about - for their safety and for the safety of others. 

So...I dunno. Part of me is like YES, OPEN THE FUCK UP. Restaurants are going back to almost full capacity and no more curfews. 

But part of me is a little hesitant/scared too. 

I guess we'll see how it goes! I'll be fully vaccinated Tuesday and Steve a full week after. 

Many of our friends (if not all of them) have been vaccinated also, so I'm SUPER excited to hang out with them again. We kinda stopped after our Halloween party because the numbers were going crazy. 

Our group already made plans for Memorial Day weekend and are planning a BBQ and then a month after that it's vacation time! With this same group. I'm so excited! 

Working Out - 48 Week Into My Fitness Journey

Heading into week 45 slowly, now that I've been cleared to work out.

I called my doctor's office just to make sure it would be ok to start slowly. I don't go for another appointment until the beginning of May, which is next week.

That is blowing my mind.


I started out with 30 minutes of legs and lower body.

I wanted to make sure I started out slowly, so I either did bodyweight movements or used my 8lb dumbbells. 

It felt so good to get a good sweat in.

I can't say exactly that I've gained any real weight. I've fluctuated between 110 - 114 for a couple of months now, so I guess I'll call it a "win" that I didn't gain any REAL weight while taking 3 weeks off for recovery.

I'm amped to be back to my early morning workouts! I missed those quiet mornings and my getting ready routine in the morning. 

I'm going to take it easy and do a rest day in between workout days. I'm sure I'll be suffering from DOMS tomorrow anyway! 

I have 10 weeks before vacation, so it's time to stop snacking, watch what I eat, seriously, and get rid of the excess water and pooch I have in my mid-section. Time to tighten it up! 

I've been texting with my friends about vacation and we're all getting so excited. We're just about at 65 days! 


We are experiencing a string of beautiful days.

Sunny and 70's.

It's even going to reach up into the 80's this week. 😍 YAS people. This is my kinda weather!

Sunday was the first day in day in 10 days that we got to spend time together as a family. 

Steve went on a 4 wheeling trip with his buddies down in West Virginia for 5 days and be worked before and after the trip! 

And it was also a gorgeous day.

We decided to hit up Grimes Glen because we had never been. An old co-worker of mine told me about it but we never got the chance to check it out. I'm not sure why - it's only about 20 minutes from our house and it's gorgeous!

We passed by a few groups of people here and there but it was largely unoccupied. When we got back to the parking lot, a few more groups strolled in. We didn't make it to the Upper Falls, due to some sketchy terrain and not being sure what was up ahead - we told the girls we'd come back without the dogs so we could check it out without fear of being pulled down a cliff. 

It was gorgeous. We'll definitely be back! 

Shot #2

Ok, you guys, 4 weeks went by pretty quickly and I went and got my second Covid Vaccine shot today (Tuesday, May 11). 

The anxiety leading up to this shot is incredible. 

I know several people who have gotten the shot and have legit felt like shit for a day - up to 3 days! Symptoms as severe as a bad flu. 

Then there are others on the other end of the spectrum. Basically no side effects. 

That includes my 74-year-old little mom. She said she was legit "fine".

My sister - who is 43 had extreme fatigue the next day.

Coworkers have ranged from very fatigued/sick to "fine" but maybe a sore arm.

My clients are also on either end of the spectrum. Either HOLY SHIT I'M GOING TO DIE or "eh".


I got the shot at 2:24pm.

Don't mind my oil change reminder sticker lol. There's a guy at Steve's work who has a very...distinct silhouette so...they made stickers. I'm DEAD. 

I was done just in time to pick up the girls from school. 

By 4pm my arm is sore and getting worse.

I'm trying to move it around. 

Fingers crossed. 

Two weeks till I'm free again. Well, you know what I mean. 

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! 

For the second year in a row, I got to spend Mother's Day with my mom and girls.

I go to my mom's house pretty much on a weekly basis - usually for lunch on Saturdays or Sundays, depending on how busy we are during the week. 

I cannot even tell you how life-changing it is to have my mom 35 minutes away. Her house is so close to Steve's work (and Target!), it's never inconvenient to head over there. 

The girls really wanted to make cupcakes so we made them at her house. Fun activity for all! Poor Ava was having an allergic day that day too. Poor kiddo. 

I was also blessed with homemade cards and even a new keychain.

Steve "celebrated" me before he left for his 4-wheeling trip with the boys.

We ordered an easy dinner (pizza and wings! It'll always be one of my faves) and enjoyed time together. 

We don't make a huge deal out of it because it's one of those things - like, you should appreciate your mom every fucking day of your life. 

I'm very lucky that I have my mom in my life. 

Happy Mother's Day to all you parents/caregivers/moms! 

It's Good To Be Type A Sometimes

Almost everyone I know makes fun of me in some way for being super rigid and Type A. 

I say I'm organized.

Sometimes OCD. 

Ok, a LOT OCD.

Listen, I'm on medication, ok? I'm trying to better myself! 


Last year, when we went on vacation I made reservations for our boat in May. I thought that may have been a little premature at the time, but easily snagged a pontoon boat. 

This year, we wanted to get a different boat, but I was planning to wait again, until, I dunno, at least April! But then I had this thought - I should just email them and see when I should look at booking. Well, the lady got back to me one evening and I didn't see the note until the next morning. 

Right when I was getting the girls in the car to get to school.

I read her note quickly and it said that she had one inquiry on THE LAST PONTOON they have (the boat I originally wanted was already booked up) and that if I wanted the boat, I had to call her ASAP Friday. So I called this poor woman at 8:15 (not realizing her email said to call after 9) but thankfully got hold of her.

Super nice lady and we chatted a moment - she had just finished dropping her kiddos off at school. So she told me that they usually book out A YEAR IN ADVANCE and that we must have just gotten lucky last year with a cancellation or something. She wasn't sure if she had a boat for all the days we needed, so she had to do a little work and get back to me.

Of course, she calls me when I'm on a client call. So I can't take it.

I then call her back, but she's on the other line with someone else.


So I wait.

I'm so paranoid about if the other line was someone booking the last boat!

She calls me back and this is why I really like this company. Because I had emailed her yesterday, I was technically first in a line with 3 other people. 

So I got the first right of refusal (THANK GOD). 

She had a bride who is getting married on July 4 (who already rented a boat from this company, asking to rent another one). And then the "other call" I guess could've been the 3rd. She said the phones were ringing off the hook! So I snagged the very last pontoon boat! And for 8 people, it'll be perfect. 

The friends we are renting the boat with also have a jet ski, so we'll be able to use that, too!

You guys, I know it's kinda far away still. But I'm getting SO excited! 


Today's the day. 


416 days since my kids were in school full time. 

It's a day we've all been waiting for.

Not just because of the pandemic and all of that.

When Mila was born 9 years ago (WTF?) Steve's life of working 3 days a week and having 4 days off went OUT THE WINDOW.

He became a stay-at-home parent those 4 days and was on baby watch while I worked outside of the home.

We were very lucky that our kids were only in part-time daycare their entire lives. This is something I'm proud of. I believe in daycare 100% don't get me wrong. I worked in several throughout high school and college. So I've experienced the kids who were there from 7am - 6pm Monday - Friday. I just didn't want that for my kids if I could help it.

Thankfully for Steve's job, it allowed us to do this.

Right when things started to get "easier" (does that ever really happen?) we decided to have Ava! So now he was home with a 2.5-year-old and a newborn on his "days off" when I went back to work. 

So as time went on and the kids got older, we talked about what his days would look like when they were both in school.

The bus shows up at our house at 7:50am. It drops off around 4pm. 

That's 8 hours of kid-free time.

Ava was in preschool last year and while that was 5 days a week, it was only for like 2.5 hours. So Steve got a taste. A small taste. He had just about enough time to run some errands or do a quick side job.


And the kids were home indefinitely.

we'd joke (lightly - since, duh we're not totally tone-deaf and realize how lucky we really are) that his countdown to free time was on PAUSE.

"I was so close" is what he'd say. 

So today marks a very important day. 

A milestone, even.

For the first time EVER, BOTH our kids are in FULL-TIME school. 

The house was all antsy with excitement last night AND this morning.

I helped get the kids ready since you know, it's kinda like the first day again.

But I did warn Steve that he's going to HAVE to get up and get the kids out of the house ON HIS OWN when it's his turn. I'm still going to be working out and showering so he'll need to manage.

I am doing him a favor though - I told him I will make their lunches the night before so he can just grab them. 

So excited this morning! 

Hawaii Vacation Day 11 (Friday) - LAST DAY

Even though it's our LAST day, I've been so looking forward to today. Today is the day we get our TATTOOS!  Jennifer and I definitel...

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