
The weather was simply gorgeous over the weekend.

55 and sunny.

It felt good to get outside.

I took the dogs for a walk (well, I took Bella for a walk, Mister just ran off). Mila decided to come with me.

Ready to go!

Ruple Farms - dog walking

Ruple Farms - dog walking

Ruple Farms - dog walking

Obviously we see a lot of animal tracks because of where we live.

I wonder what they all are.

I assume fox.



Definitely deer.

It's always  super interesting to see what's out there. I want to invest in a few more cameras to put along the trail.

Moving sucks

Actually, unpacking might be worse.

Mom had over 70 boxes.

The garbage company said they'd take it all away.

For free! (but only the first time).

As long as we broke them all down.

For fuck's sake.

At least we picked a gorgeous day to do it.

It was 50 degrees.

The girls are thoroughly enjoying their "kingdom".

They have more than any child ever needs.

Like, ever.

We are obviously still getting things unpacked and the basement is definitely NOT a priority (as much as my mom would like to differ).

It's super convenient to have the space for them. They are not in our way as we unpack everything and get things situated. 

And, it was also during this week that we were able to really appreciate this move: I had new business/client meetings early Thursday AND Friday. Instead of waking them up at 5am and bringing them to my mom's house, they spent the night. My meeting was at 9am and was an hour and a half away. So, that would've been a lot of time in the car - for all of us! 

Then, as the day went on, I knew I'd be picking them up, taking them home, only to wake them up early to bring them back to my mom's house. By 8:30am. 

So I asked them if they wanted to spend another night. I missed them, but decided I'd let them make the call.

They said they wanted to stay.

I'm happy they love it there.

But I missed them. 

I went there for dinner Wednesday and Thursday. Picked them up Friday after work.

It was so convenient. 

We have so much more to unpack/get organized.

OMG Mom.

I must have said that phrase over a million times on Monday (February 17).

I know, I'm catching up.

The moving truck with allllll her stuff arrived around 10:30.

I'm again SO GRATEFUL for my flexible job - which allowed me to work from her house for half the day and take PTO the other half.

And thank goodness I was there to help her.

Not only did she have all her furniture, she also had 70 boxes.



This is one small woman we're talking about.

The moving company knew exactly what they were doing and besides a few minor things, they really did a great job.

They packed, wrapped, marked every single item my mom owns.

Each was listed on an extension inventory list (8 pages long).

As they brought each item/box into the house, they announced the number listed on the package and we were to initial by it on our list.

It was fast moving.

But besides one broken chair leg, everything was delivered as expected, after moving 3,000 miles across the country - and some of those items have done the trip twice now!

The moving people left my mom's house around 2:30 I think. So about 4 hours. They also set up the bed, hutch, tables, etc. so that was helpful.

Steve had to take his sister and her family to the airport in the next city over, so he dropped the girls off with us and took them.

We continued unpacking and did so until around 6pm. We unpacked 60 boxes.

It was pretty nostalgic to go through mom's things.

Pillow cases that are legit 30 years old.

She has like 40 glasses.

50 mugs.

400 little plates.

400 big plates.

400 bowls.

It's insane.

She's one person!

But with her personality, she'll be unpacked in a week.

It feels so good to have her home! It also oddly feels normal too.


Man I wish I knew how to ski.

Steve grew up skiing.

I've gone a few times.

I'm not very good.

But I want to learn.

It looks like so much fun.

These kids are my heroes!

Stressed. Anxious. All of the above.

I've been very busy lately.

At least it seems I've been busy.

I feel very busy.

There's always something going on in my head.

I knew I had to bring work home with me this weekend. There are just not enough hours in the day.

It was VERY snowy, so I let that be my excuse to stay warm and cozy inside.

Which meant that Sunday I left myself with a million chores AND the work I brought home. 


My sister in law and her family are in town! So Steve took our girls to meet up with them and go sledding.

Allowing me to stay home and GET SHIT DONE. 

First things first. Get my chickens ready for the week.

The, it's our turn. First stop ALDI'S. Then finishing up at my beloved Wegmans.

I'm trying to keep it together. I'm keeping my head above water, which is good and I'm not overly stressed out about having to go to work everyday.

I've tried to keep a positive attitude throughout and I realize I'm very lucky to have the job I have. I love my job, I love what I do. I am grateful.

But I'm also fucking tired. 

Is It Legal?

So I was wondering if it was legal to "take" or kill fox or anything like that who is threatening my flock/livestock.

I didn't know if we needed a permit or anything.

I've mentioned losing SEVERAL chickens over the last couple of years.

It's traumatizing and just plain annoying.


We just put a trail cam near the coop.

We always see footprints circling the coop/pen area.

Our chickens should be safe in there...I mean. I can't imaging a fox or anything getting under that wiring. But it happens all the time, I read online.

But, if we start seeing the same activity and animal, betchyerass I'll be dressed in camo and laying, waiting for that fucker to come around and if it's legal, I'm gonna shoot it.

Here's what I found on the DEC website.

So it appears that it's completely legal to "take" a coyote or fox if it's damaging my property. 

And, that definition, per the DEC is:

Damaging Wildlife - A wild animal that damages property, for example, digs up your yard, eats your landscape plants or vegetable garden, kills or threatens your livestock or pets, fouls your lawn, eats the fish in your pond, damages your home, etc.

And, since my chickens ARE being hunted and eaten, I think I'm completely within my rights to shoot the motherfuckers. 

The camera I got is nice, but is definitely not a high end one. It's around $40. Depending on what we see, we may invest in more that have wifi capabilities. We have to actually go outside and get the SD card and check it.

And Steve woke me up to show me this:

Ruple Farms_fox_predators

I knew it and now I'm going to be prepared. I've lost like 15 chickens over the years.

I wonder if we'll see any coyote activity or if they stay closer to the tree lines and aren't as brazen as these guys. 

Outside Fun

We try to enjoy winter when it's here.

It hasn't REALLY felt like winter it's been kinda nice!

The girls (and dogs) and I went out to play for a bit over the weekend.

We take this very seriously.

ready to go! 

Ruple Farms - Mister Farm Dog
LOL check out that form.

Ruple Farms - Mister Farm Dog

Ruple Farms - Mister Farm Dog
Looking out over his kingdom

Ruple Farms - Mister Farm Dog


It's Winter! Again! Still?

It's finally starting to feel like winter!

We've had some snowy days.

But it feels like it melts quickly.

And we're back to rainy, shitty weather.

I much prefer snow over shit-rain.

Today was a snow day for the kids.

I would normally just work from home on days like today, but not today.

Too many meetings. Meetings that would be much more beneficial for all to be in one room.

I didn't want to have to occupy the girls while I worked....

So I checked in with daycare to see if she had room for Mila all day.

She did.

My work had a delayed start, so we took our time this morning.

This is what it looked like when I left the house.

Steve plowed last night and said there was an in or so when he left for work at 5:45 this morning.

Ruple Farms - snow day!

When I left around 8:45 this morning, there was probably 4-5 inches on the ground already. I knew my truck could make it through it, but man. It seemed like a lot.

Ruple Farms - snow day!
This is when I got home. 

The snow is expected to continue through tomorrow (Saturday).

Steve wants to take Mila skiing Sunday. 

My sister in law and her girls arrive Saturday.

I have a TON of work to do over the weekend. 

I have no problem hunkering down, in jammies, drinking my coffee and writing some strategy docs. 

The Rat. Part Six.

Okay you guys.

This is getting out of control.

We discovered evidence again in our basement.

Steve's mower is stored in our basement in the winter (it's a double-door walkout basement).

The seat was destroyed.

So we put more traps out.

And we got him. (DRY-HEAVING)

One morning Steve told me that during the night, Bella was going nuts in her crate. He thought she had to go out (she did) but didn't want to due to the weather.

She makes this "hermph-ing" sound (which is 100% adorable) but her crate is directly above where the trap was placed. And she's going nuts.

So when he got up, he went down and comes back up and reports "yup, got that motherfucker" and gets ready to hop in the shower.


Curiosity got the best of me.

Of course.

So I tip toe down there - totally terrified of what I am going to see.

He told me it was behind our chest freezer we have down there.


So I go to look.

Can't see anything.

I nudge the freezer.



The tail starts flopping. (GAG)


I start screaming and run upstairs and get Steve right before he hops in the shower.

So he's completely naked. LOL. 



And he's looks me straight in the face, completely calm, and says "I'm about to hop in the shower. The pellet gun is on top of the fridge downstairs."

And people.


He turned the music on, too.

Like WTF.

Can't let the rat suffer, right? Because I'm HUMAN.

So I do what I have to do. (GAG)

And ok, this is pretty gruesome, so this is your warning to look away.

Can you see that fucker's foot? GROSS.

So I shot two pellets into the motherfucker. FYI - that "wet" spot directly above the body? That's where Steve found the rat and thought it was dead. It was alive enough to shuffle its body 180 degrees before I shot it. SO GROSS.

NOW he's dead. 

I am just not made out for this lifestyle. 

I don't think. 

Hawaii Vacation Day 11 (Friday) - LAST DAY

Even though it's our LAST day, I've been so looking forward to today. Today is the day we get our TATTOOS!  Jennifer and I definitel...

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