Winter Fun

It's hard to believe we're coming up on ONE YEAR of this pandemic and the work and school from home situation started. 

There's a meme floating around facebook that's like "How are we coming up on March again? I haven't even processed last March yet!" and it's true.

It seems like yesterday and it seems like forever ago.

I have to admit - my kids do not appear to the kids who are suffering through this. I have lots of friends whose children are having a tough time acclimating to being home all the time. 

I'm not sure why my kids don't seem as affected.

They love being home.

They love being with their dad. 

Schooling hasn't been the easiest, but they don't seem to be missing the social aspect of it as much as I'd thought.

They do get to go to school two days a week and always tell me at pick up that "it was the BEST DAY EVER" so that's cool.

I'm forever grateful that we have two girls who get along and play so nicely together (generally). 

Being that I'm home working now, I try to take my lunch break and hang with them, when possible.

These are the moments that matter to me. 

They know I'm working and that I have to work. 

But they are also seeing me take time out from work to spend with them.

My Bubba

Ruple Farms - Playing in Snow

Ruple Farms - Playing in Snow

Ruple Farms - Playing in Snow

Ruple Farms - Playing in Snow

Ruple Farms - Playing in Snow
My first Baby

Ruple Farms - Playing in Snow

Ruple Farms - Playing in Snow
View from the girls' playset

Ruple Farms - Playing in Snow
The farmer's field next to our house

Ruple Farms - Playing in Snow

Ruple Farms - Playing in Snow

Ruple Farms - Playing in Snow

Ruple Farms - Playing in Snow
My view when I'm working. Definitely not mad at this view. 

Working Out - 32 Weeks Into My Fitness Journey


It's my 39th Birthday TODAY! How cool is it that this weekly update falls on my birthday? 

And 155 days until vacation! LOL

New this week (the start of Week 29 - 12/31/20 - and Happy New Year, BTW!) are a couple of fun items I'm excited to try out: new resistance bands (the full loop bands, not the glute bands or the ones with the handles), ankle weights and a new bench!

Ankle weights that can be anywhere from 1lb - 5lbs with removable sand-filled baggies that go into these pockets. So far I've only used them once, but I think they will be a great addition on leg day! 

I've been NEEDING a bench and I'm glad I got one for Christmas! Well, technically, Steve's parents gave me an Amazon gift card, and I used it for this AND the ankle weights. So yay! I want to do hip thrusts, and ergo, need a bench. Ok, I could've used something else, but figured I'd need a bench anyway. 

As I mentioned in my last workout post, I've started to split my workouts in order to target specific muscle groups when working out. I'm still trying to find the right split for myself and I find myself wanting to do a full-body circuit in there too. 

I found this lady on Instagram and I love her energy although her workouts are KILLER. Like CHILL OUT A SEC PLEASE. 

But, she really does freaking make me workout and her personality is kinda intense, so I like it. It does keep me motivated. I used to burn between 100 - 200 calories in my workouts. I easily burned 300 with this lady the first time I did one of her workouts. And, no jumping! It's all "low impact, high intensity" type of workouts. 

So on New Years Day, I did one of her shoulder workouts and then a 20-minute full-body workout. A combined total of about 56 minutes. KILLER. 

I'm relaxing on counting my macros - let's be real, it's the holidays but I have a generally good idea of what I'm eating in a day. Getting that protein in is still a challenge. I have to REALLY think about it. 

I'm still drinking my one shake per day.

<pic from 12.31.20>

We are close to closing out Week 29 and the only thing I feel like I really need to report on is the fact that now that I'm splitting my workouts and focusing on one body part (or a series of muscles) for the entire workout, I'm really, REALLY feeling it the next day.

In the beginning of course I'd be sore the following couple of days. But, over the course of time and me building up my endurance, it hasn't been TOO bad, unless I went really hard.

With my bench, I'm able to do a lot more variety and have more range of motion. I did some split squats with dumbbells on Saturday morning and HOLY FUCK.

I could not use my legs until this morning (Tuesday, 1/5). My legs were on fire for 2 straight days. Getting up from a sitting position, sitting down on the toilet to pee, anything that required the use of my legs HURT. (but in a good way lol).

I have also started to work on abs. Abs are not something that I enjoy working on. I don't have a strong core so I need to work on it. Abs are starting to appear just based on me losing some weight, but I have never focused on them before. 

So now I'm trying to incorporate abs into my weekly rotation. 

Happy Birthday To Us!

Another year older.


Steve's birthday is 2 days before mine.

We celebrated with my mom and sister over the weekend. 

Now that my mom moved home, we have a "village" and help with the kids. I'm not sure I'll ever get used to having her nearby. It's really weird. 

I still feel "bad" for leaving my kids with my mom for more than a few hours. She loves having them and they love being with her and staying at her house, so I don't know why I feel guilt or something? I feel like I'm dumping my kids on my mom when I know it's actually quality time spent together. 

I never had that.

Anyway. I know I have to get over the guilt because it legit is beneficial for all parties involved.

So my mom takes the girls for overnights probably once or twice a month. 

Even though Steve and I did not celebrate or go out, it was still nice to have a night to ourselves.

I dropped the girls off at my mom's Saturday afternoon and then brought Steve coffee at the shop.

It was a quiet day all around. 

I went home and sat in the quiet until Steve got home.

It was like 3 hours of just...quiet.

And then Steve got home and we got to sit in the quiet. 

Sunday morning I got up and did my workout before Steve got up. I knew he'd want to sleep in (knowing we didn't have kids in the house - he REALLY got to sleep in!)

We got to have a lazy morning before heading out for breakfast at the local diner. 

I also ate a part of his chocolate chip pancake. So good. 

We then took the opportunity to run to the feed store to grab more chicken food. 

And then?


We went home and napped.

This is how we celebrate our birthdays now.

We went to mom's for dinner and to get our kiddos! We got there around 3pm and I helped my mom cook and get things ready for dinner. My sister and her boyfriend Rob were also joining us. It was nice to have a full house! (Although, still no one outside of our "bubble", if you will). 

We put the game on (we planned on having an early dinner so we'd be home in time to watch the Bills game at 6:40).

We all loved the prime rib from Christmas, so we decided to do it again!

This rotisserie was such a good purchase. 

My sister making her geometric salad.



It's not a birthday without cake! 

I love him.

We wrapped up dinner, helped clean up a bit, packed our goodie bags to bring home and packed the truck. 

And then the truck died. 

The alternator went apparently.



Thankfully my mom has no plans tomorrow (and my sister is home anyway) so we literally hopped in her car and left.

Because she spends so much time with the girls, we already had a car seat installed for Ava and a booster for Mila in her car. 

SO thankful that things worked out! 

And we made it home around 7:10 and got settled in to watch the game.

I'm so glad we got to spend this year's birthday with my mom and sister! Next week we go to Steve's parents to celebrate. 

Pantry Makeover

The pantry was a selling point when we bought this house. We didn't have a pantry in our old house, so we had to use our cupboards to store food. Which meant we had less room for other things like appliances, plates, cups, etc. 

I love having a pantry. A dedicated space for all things food.

And, because of my family's numerous allergies, it's good to be able to keep things separated. 

However, the current set-up of my pantry is just not...working for me. 

Ruple Farms - Pantry Makeover
I got little two-tier shelves which I like. 

The wire shelving is horrendous. Things don't sit the right way. Things tip over constantly. 

I want to bring down the level of the first shelf since there's just so much wasted space. I almost can't reach the top shelf. 

I want to keep the floor level for storage like I have now, but I don't need that much space dedicated to it.

This is probably going to be slow going since I'm not about to drop much money into it. I can probably finagle things together with what Steve has leftover. Paint does wonders!

Stay tuned! 

Inauguration Day!

Today is a day we've all been looking forward to.

The day Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be sworn in as the President and Vice President of the United States Of America!!!

I cannot wait to watch it happen today.

I'm giddy.

Our nation needs to start healing.

Today it starts. 

Watching history be made (Mila is watching from the loft)

What Else Keeps Me Busy?

In case I wasn't busy enough, I decided to sign up for (or asked to join) the American Marketing Association, Rochester Chapter. 

I've actually sat on a board before - when Mila was about 1.5. Then I got pregnant with Ava and it was too hard to keep up.

I sat on that board for about 2 years. I attended meetings each month and helped with events, membership, etc.

Having little kids and working full-time wasn't exactly conducive to doing anything outside of work and home. Kids needed to eat. They needed me at bedtime.

Before COVID, board meetings would be from 5:30pm - 7pm, usually offsite somewhere at someone's office, a photographer's studio (if we happened to have a photographer on the board). It was fun.

I enjoyed it. There were several people in the ad biz that I knew that were also on the board.

I liked having something that was mine and just mine. I wasn't someone's wife or mom during these board meetings. I got to be an advertising professional. 

Fast forward a few years and I find myself laid off from my job for the first time in my career. 

I reached out to everyone and anyone and found myself connected to an old coworker. 

She happened to sit on this board and said I should join because it'd look good on my resume. 

So I got into discussions about joining the board and starting in 2021. 

Mind you, this is during the time Steve was going through the worst time of his life.

But had to think past that. I just started my new job (and I did mention my desire to join the AMA during my interview) and I knew it'd beneficial. I wasn't able to start my new job under normal circumstances.

So I thought I should do it.

Not only do we have monthly meetings, sometimes I get the added bonus to do some cool things. 

Like judge creative from another state. 

So after running all my errands, I got to chillax on my couch, watch a little football and do a little extra-curricular work. 

This is the stuff that I love. I thoroughly enjoyed reading and reviewing all these different categories/campaigns. 

Lots of reviewing of background, strategy, objectives, creative, etc. Super fun! 

I don't talk about my work too much, so I thought it'd be interesting to share a little bit of what I do on the side of my actual job. As much as I'm interested in homesteading, farming, animals, gardening, etc., I do love my career and I'm so grateful to be in an industry I'm passionate about. 

Grocery Haul

I watch a lot of Mom blogs. 

Mostly video. 

Does anyone do written blogs anymore? 

I'd love to do video blogs but I just don't have the time to edit videos! Nor do I know how. Maybe one day...


For some reason, I LOVE watching grocery haul videos. I have no idea why. 

I thought it'd be interesting for me to do a Grocery Haul post for a couple of reasons: A) my family is allergic to legit everything and B) I've changed as an eater these past 6 months during my fitness journey.  

Here's a general breakdown of categories for our family:

Gluten-Free: Ava and myself. Well, we are technically not allergic to gluten, but to wheat. Since all things wheat have gluten in them, it's easier to find "gluten-free" items than "wheat-free" items. But, I still need to read the labels, you know, just in case.

Eggs: Mila, Ava, and myself. We are allergic (mostly) to egg whites. I cheat here and there and eat a yolk every once in a while but I shouldn't. We are all able to handle baked eggs. (Like muffins, cakes, etc. - as long as it's GF for me and Ava). Ironic that we have so many chickens! 

Cow's Milk: Mila and Ava. They drink soy milk currently. When Mila was a baby, we tried all kinds of milk to see what we'd like/tolerate. Coconut milk (eh), hemp (no thanks!), oat milk. Soy tastes the best. Our allergist actually said mare (like HORSE) milk would be a good alternative but I couldn't find it anywhere (at least not where it was meant for HUMAN consumption!) Goat milk is too similar to cow's milk so that's a no-go. 

Nuts (of all kinds): Mila, Ava, and myself. All nuts. Peanuts included, even though they are a legume. Pistachios. Hazelnuts. Tree nuts, pine nuts. Cashews. Walnuts. Pecans. Almonds (I MISS ALMONDS). You name the nut, we are allergic.

Garlic: Ava. What in the actual fuck? Yeah. Even our allergist was surprised at this one. 

Sunflower (as in seeds, oil, butter): Now fuck me. When Mila was diagnosed with nut allergies, peanut butter went out the window. I found out from a coworker at the time that Sunbutter was delicious. It IS. It's also fucking expensive - hello $5.49 a jar! But, I ate this shit all the time when I was pregnant with Ava. Mila had it every morning for breakfast and so did I. We used it in place of PB. And Ava is allergic. Of course, she is. Have you ever read labels on like ALL THE FOODS IN THE WORLD? They all have some sort of sunflower oil in them. All the things that are GF? Sunflower oil.

I read so many labels (and touch so many packages - ugh) and have to put the items back on the shelf because of our allergens. 

Mind you, since many of our allergens are NOT common, so they are not usually listed separately in the ingredients list, like milk, eggs, nuts (the top 8 usually are). 

Now, let's continue. 

The above is what my kids are allergic to.

The below list is just MY allergies. 

Corn: I can't believe I'm allergic to corn. I grew up eating corn. Corn on the cob with salty butter dripping down my face. Yep. Mexican street corn at the fair? YEP I'M ALL OVER THAT MY FRIENDS. 

Buckwheat: I'm not even sure what this is, but I've been seeing it around more, recently. I assume it's just another grain that can be substituted with regular wheat.

Soy: Now this is a biggie for me. SOY? Soybeans? TOFU? WUT THE FUCK. WHY ME. <insert self-pity> Everything that does not have milk, eggs, or nuts, usually has soy. Some sort of soy. Edamame? Soy. 

That's not even the full list. That's just the big ones.

Now that we've gone over all of that, you're probably wondering what the fuck we eat.





The hardest part is the snacks. 

School lunches. 

Going out to eat. 

Until last year, Ava was able to eat wheat. So girlfriend LIVED on noodles. Any kind of noodle. Noodle with sauce, without sauce, with meat. Without meat. Plain. WHATEVER. Then her numbers went up. So we had to legit stop feeding her her favorite food. 

Thankfully she can eat rice. 

So, even though it's clear that we are limited in what we can eat, it's not as bad as you'd think. I'm grateful that we can eat what we can. After speaking with our allergist, I asked him if we were some of his worst cases. He said in the sheer NUMBER of allergens, yes. But in severity? No. Not even close. He has patients who can legit only eat 5 foods. So yes, I can still be grateful. 

So here's a typical grocery haul day for me. This was documented on Saturday, January 15.

First up: fresh produce. This we can eat! Our normal haul consists of some staples like broccoli, potatoes, onions, salad bags, romaine lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. Some fresh herbs. All depending on what I need for the week and what's on the menu (which reminds me to start my post on meal-planning. I used to meal plan but then had kids and you know, got busy and overwhelmed with life). 

After fresh veggies we pick up a TON OF FRUIT. OMG THE FRUIT. 

We eat a lot of fruit in our house. We go through apples, bananas, pears, grapes, kiwis, blueberries, and oranges pretty regularly. 

After the produce, we head over to the breads. I get bagels for Steve and Italian bread for Mila.

Then it's on to the Meat Section. We go through chicken, beef and pork pretty regularly. I rotate in some fish when possible. And I have to grab enough bacon. Good lord my kids eat a lot of bacon. 

From there we head into Nature's Marketplace to grab some of the items we need that are organic, specialty, etc. This is where I grab the soy milk.

I shop at two grocery stores and I have to admit - I should've started shopping at one of them a million years ago. I was young and naive, what can I say?

In my area, Wegmans is the biggie.

Let's reflect on when Steve and I were in the Top 100 Customers of 2019. I still can't believe that happened!

The other store I frequent now? ALDI.

Yep, I said it.

My mom has been telling me for YEARS (and I mean, YEARS!!) to go to ALDI. I was misinformed and thought they were a cheap grocery store. 

I was wrong.

They have so much stuff and it's all amazing quality. Many of the cheese and chocolate are from Europe.

So I usually go to ALDI first, then to Wegmans.

ALDI has new stuff each week, so I get what I need from there and then get the rest of my goodies at Wegmans.

This is what they call "The Aisle of Shame" and yes, I'm a member in the FB group.

On sale for $.49 cents! I grabbed one. 

My kids love bacon. It's so much cheaper at ALDI than at Wegmans. Wegman's brand bacon is $5.79 compared to ADLI's $3.39. BUT they are all out. Dang it! But luckily I still have a package from last week. 

Here's what I was able to grab during my lunch break. Lots of fresh-looking produce. 

All of this stuff is pretty...regular. The soap and stuff I don't get weekly, but you get the idea.

Never seen these before so I thought I'd give it a try.

I live for their weekly specials. You just never know what they'll have! I was trying to think ahead to this weekend - there's a big football game Saturday night so I wanted to have some snacky foods ready for when Steve got home from work. Kickoff is at 8:15 and he'll get home around 8:45. 

And um. OMG. I hemmed and hawed over whether to get this. This is like...heaven for me. All things chocolate. Ugh. I couldn't walk by it. Not for $4.99! And I didn't want to pass it up and regret it.

My ALDI total was $77.76 - I always try to remember if I needed to buy hygiene products, or paper products, etc. which obviously does not happen every week. 

Now, my Wegmans Haul. Let's see if I can keep it under $72.24. I'm trying really hard to keep our grocery bill at $150 per week. That still seems like a lot but due to our multiple, various allergies, there's just nothing I can do. Fresh produce and stuff are pricey, people! Gluten-free is pricey! 

Magic Spoon

**This review is my opinion only - I am not being reimbursed for providing my opinion on this cereal*

I stumbled across this brand a couple of months ago - an influencer on the 'gram. It looked good. She made it sound good. But I think it was a sponsored ad. So I couldn't be sure.

But then I saw an old friend of mine (from elementary school, college, etc.) who also posted on her stories that this cereal was good.

Ok then. Personal review from someone I know? I'll take it.

I bought the 4-pack for like $40. 


But dude, listen.

This shit is really good. 

Well, I've only tried the Fruity flavor and it does legit taste like Fruit Loops.


The after taste takes some getting used to.

Ruple Farms - Magic Spoon Cereal review
I've only tried one flavor so far; I don't want to open all the boxes and risk any of it going stale. <side note: I should invest in those plastic cereal containers...>

Ruple Farms - Magic Spoon Cereal review
11 grams of protein! And I'm not allergic, hallelujah. 

Ruple Farms - Magic Spoon Cereal review
Very crunchy. 

However, even with the after taste - it's still very good. I eat it with skim milk and it's a fantastic snack or breakfast for me. Paired with a piece of fruit or something and I'm good to go. 

It's definitely on the pricey side and I definitely don't see myself getting this regularly. I mean, 4 boxes should last me a while....but maybe this is a once every quarter type thing. $10 per box (even with shipping) is just plain nuts. 

Hawaii Vacation Day 11 (Friday) - LAST DAY

Even though it's our LAST day, I've been so looking forward to today. Today is the day we get our TATTOOS!  Jennifer and I definitel...

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