
I try not to watch too much of the news. It's too depressing to hear about all the violence that plagues our world. Our country is a complete disaster and the main city I live near has multiple homicides each and every night. It's just so gross. 

The world is falling apart and Israel is in an active war. Now I'm not about to get into my opinions about anything, but I can say that innocent civilians should not be targeted. They should not be dying. Babies should be safe. 

I work with people who live and work in Israel. Like, people I chat with almost every day.

And I'm channel surfing and landed on CNN. 

And I stopped in my tracks because I recognized my guy. It put everything into perspective for me. We've talked about our families, kids (he has 3 LITTLE kids at home in NYC). He's a captain in the Israeli Army. It's insane to think he just jumped on a plane and headed over there. 

And then I got his OOO when I had to send a note. If that doesn't make shit real. Holy fuck. 

It Finally Happened. I Caught The 'Vid

You Guys.

You know all that traveling I've been doing? 


Our little get together was just a petry dish for COVID.

Out of 90 people, I think I know of 5 (including myself) who have it.

Super fun.

Ok, so here's the deal. It's super annoying and inconvenient.

BUT. I'm very lucky.

I have asthma. 

And so far, I haven't had any respiratory issues.

I had body aches like crazy the first 4 days. 

I have had a stuffy head/nose (not drippy though) for since about day 4-6 (today is day 6 for me). 

But let me back up first. 

I got home Thursday afternoon and instead of lifting, decided to walk. I'm on a team for work that's about steps/activity and our team is in the top 30 (out of like over 800 teams).


I woke up Friday and felt under the weather. Kindaaa how I've been feeling all week? I felt pretty good the days I was in Boston.

I had a light day Friday and got through the day without any real issues.

Saturday I received a text message from a colleague who had tested positive. I did not feel well Saturday. Not terrible, but not well.

Oh yeah, we were also pet-sitting Willow for a few days. 

I asked Steve to grab a test on his way home (he was also picking up the girls from my mom's). 

I stayed on the couch/in bed all day basically. I took the test as soon as he got home and people. Before I had the chance to set the test down, it was positive.

Literally immediately after

Like, 5 minutes later

My little bedmates 

I sent my friend (who I work with, and who also has the VID) this pic when we both realized we both had it (she also works remotely, from another state) to show her how beautiful I was. I didn't want to take PTO (too much to do). Another reason I love working remotely. 

This is day 5. The evening of Day 5. 

On day 6, I still feel off. My head is very stuffy. My body aches have subsided, but I still feel "off".

I haven't worked out for over a week and I'm dying to. I just know that I absolutely cannot do it. I'm still winded doing anything. I'm still tired. I'm fatigued. 

It's really annoying and really weird. 

I also lost my sense of taste and smell. I never had a great sense of smell - I feel like I lost that years ago. But to not be able to taste's weird. Hot liquid...with a faint taste of coffee/creamer. 

I hope I don't have any of the "long term" covid symptoms. I will not like that.

Like today on Day 6...I cannot fathom doing a workout. I'm so just...blah. 

I've been isolating for the last 5 days. Having very little contact with Steve and the girls. 

I'm masking any time I'm out of my room. 

I have another 5 days before I'll feel more comfortable being around them.

Steve has been helping so much with everything...which is very nice. He's not waiting for me to ask him. He's just doing it. 


I have a few trips coming up - both personal and professional. 

I will be traveling next week to Boston, for my company's annual Credo Week. I think I mentioned before that it's 3 days of patting ourselves on the back? I think? Recognizing what we've done throughout the year, new colleagues, new products, etc. Exciting stuff that will take me away from my normal day-to-day work. Which is fun and terrifying. 3 days of not being on top of my projects (and really, no one is since we're all at this offsite).

But I was told to bring a larger suitcase for potential swag we might get. 

I'm looking forward to catching up with folks without a true business or project agenda. We will have cocktail hour and food. We are also have a big Hibachi dinner one of the nights. This come just two weeks after my department met as a group in Boston. I feel so lucky and grateful for this job and team mates. I remember being so scared to leave what I knew to work for such a large enterprise. 

Not only do I love the work I do, but the team is amazing, which makes everything better. 

Hawaii Vacation Day 11 (Friday) - LAST DAY

Even though it's our LAST day, I've been so looking forward to today. Today is the day we get our TATTOOS!  Jennifer and I definitel...

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