School Starts Next Week!

HOW did that happen?

Didn't we JUST "celebrate" the start of summer?

How did 10 weeks go by so quickly?

As sad as I am to see Summer go, a part of me is happy to "get back in the swing of things" and have a routine again.

I thrive on routine.

Kids need to have a normal bedtime again.

And a normal wake up.

We took some time during my "PTO" (in quotes since I worked some of it) to take care of all the "before school starts" things:

Haircuts for both girls!

Mila just did a trim.

We added some pink to her hair (hard to see when it was still wet).

So cute!

Ava's turn!

We went short! Her hair is always a hot mess and constantly in her face. 

I can't. Freaking cute. 

On our way to Mila's 2nd grade meet and greet with her new teacher.

Mila's BFF is also in her class! 

Mila chose a desk right next to her BFF (and, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Mila look like Steve here?)

Our lives. 

Outside her classroom!

Ava needed a turn. Her orientation isn't until next week.

It was really nice out, so we stopped at the playground before heading home.

"mommy, this slide is not that fun"

I went to the Parent Informational Meeting for Ava's UPK class.

Of course.

I have to say I was really impressed with the informational meeting. I did not know what I was walking into, but I felt that it was very thorough. 

Mila didn't attend this program, so it's new to us. 

I appreciated meeting all 3 of the UPK teachers and checking out the classroom. 

I like how the UPK classes are situated within the main school. Mila's first grade classroom is actually right next to the UPK area. 

When we drop off, we can park right in the bus loop and walk right up the sidewalk, basically right into the building and right into the classroom. 

I'm both excited for Ava's journey through school and also a little sad. When Mila was this age, she was in a Pre-K program, but it was only 3 days a week. She still got  "to be little" and spend some days home with dad. 

Ava will be going to school 5 days a week. She just feels less like a baby these days and I'm trying to embrace it. 

Wish us (me) luck on our first day! 

Family Time + Miscellaneous (we have a free babysitter for two weeks!)

My mom is in town!

Mom lives in Las Vegas.

We see her about once a year. Sometimes twice.

We haven't seen her since last summer!

(Back story: mom lived with us for 6 months when we were in Daycare Hell. She saved my life during a very difficult time. My kids LOVE "Po-po" and know they can get away with murder when she's here - but, I allow it because I never had grandparents to spoil least, I didn't know them).


Mom's back.

We're all getting fat.

She hasn't stopped cooking.

Stuffed peppers! (All the peppers were from my garden!)

So good!

Bonus: my Aunt Lili also comes to visit when Mom does. She lives about 3 hours away in PA.

Sisters! So cute! 

Day one. Eggrolls. 

There were likely over 80 of these bad boys. I still don't think it's enough. 

Mom enjoyed watching the girls swim. I enjoyed chatting and catching up. 

So grateful for our time together

my girls <3

These chairs were a STEAL! 

They retail for $124.99 each. On clearance at BBB for $50 each. Steve and I each had a 20% off coupon. Got them BOTH for $86. Non-rusting frame. 

my Bubba

Using our Roseland season passes before they expire! This face will ALWAYS get me. 

Mila saw her first grade teacher and wanted to watch her come down the slide.

Their favorite part - the wave pool!

#free #summertime #childhood

She got quite the tan this summer.

pure happiness

Ending the day with Dippin' Dots! 

Ava found a Praying Mantis in the garage, so we moved it outside.

#wonder #amazement #nature

In other news, I had to work the first few days of my "staycation" - but, after a big presentation Monday morning, which had me clenched all damn weekend, I can now finally relax a little. Presentation went great. 

3 more days of no real plans. 

A short day at work Friday since it's before a holiday.

A long weekend.

And then summer's over. 

I'm not quite sure how that happened. 

It's just never ending

We meant to go on hikes this summer.

I started a list of the ones nearby I wanted to visit with the dogs.

We haven't made it to any yet.

So last night, after a REALLY long day at work, we decided to take some time and go down to the lake and hike the trails to a waterfall.

It was hot.

It was buggy.

It was humid.

But, it was still a nice evening to be outside.

We got everyone in the truck and drove the 4 minutes to the trail (it's right across from the one park we love where there's a pebble beach right at the lake).

I realized on this hike that Bella does not do well on a leash. Around our property it's not terrible, but man, this was a tough hike with her! We brought her on the retractable leash (30ft lead is missing, of course) and she pulled like no other.

We still had fun and I'm proud of my (human) girls for actually hiking it the entire time! We made it all the way and got to the end, just to realize how little water there was!

Bella did however try to climb UP the waterfall, and then slid alllllll the way down the rock wall! I of course panicked, but Steve grabbed her by the harness. Crisis averted.

On the way back the girls found a HUGE centipede. I've never one so big. Then when we stopped at the playground before heading home, Mila found a baby snake! So cute.

No pics to share, only because I purposely left my phone in the car.

Well, this morning, as I was making my rounds of saying bye to everyone, I stopped by Bella's crate to give her head a little scratch.

Right away I saw that her dew claw on her front paw was all fucked up. Like pointing straight out sideways - CLEARLY not right.

Damnit! Steve even clipped both the dogs nails before we left, to avoid this type of situation.

Anyway, we got her an appointment at the vet after work (they are slammed) and they had to pull the nail right from the nail bed. Antibiotics and pain meds since it's an open wound.

And that was over $200.


I had a few more hikes planned for when my mom is in town (so just me, Steve and the dogs can go) and now for the next 10 days, I have to keep Bella's foot from getting infected.

The Rat(s). Part Deux.

If you recall, we've encountered rats before. 

I'm not a fan. 

Well, they are fucking back. 

And I witnessed something traumatizing. 

It still haunts me. 

It was maybe 2 weeks ago? 

I let the dogs outside, like normal. 

I realized they were both nose-down, staring at the thing that holds our hose. 

I go out there (Ava follows) and we go stare at it with them. 

Hm. I wonder. 

(At this point, I have no idea what they are staring at).

I move the hose-thing.

A rat straight jumps out AT US, jumps THROUGH Ava's legs (she screams as it brushes up against her leg) and the dogs barrel past us, chasing this thing through the yard. 

I'm kinda freaking out and kinda laughing at this. 

I realize that Bella is back at the hose-thing. 

I life it straight up, thinking that the rat has already run away! There can't be another rat, right?

Oh. I was wrong. 

Very wrong.

And this rat. 


He didn't get away. 

My sweet Bella dog. 

She caught this fucking rat and threw it. 

Tossed it.

Through the air. 

Mr. grabbed it.

He tossed it. 

It landed and tried to get away. 

Bella grabbed it again and this time...


This entire time I'm screaming and running back and forth (not entirely sure what to do).

Mila comes out to see what's going on and I yell at her to go back inside (why traumatize her at this point? Me and Ava are already fucked).

Ava is still standing there, watching this unfold.

I'm looking for a shovel.

We have like 10.

Of course I can't find any shovel.

None. Not a one.

What the fuck?!

Steve took them allllll over to the other side of the deck. Must've been using them for something.

Grab a shovel and head back over. 

I have to get these dogs away from this (now) dead rat. 

But, since it's freshly's still...squishy?

It won't just go on the shovel. It just keeps flopping around.

So I have to get another stick and have to use that to get it on the shovel. Ugh.

Mind you, I still have two frantic dogs trying to get the rat OFF the shovel while I'm trying to do this.

I finally succeed and throw the rat into our "Rat Graveyard" that's on the other side of our driveway, in the bushes. 

I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm proud of my girl for MURDERING THAT PEST. 

But watching it all happen?

I won't ever get that site out of my mind. 

Deck Umbrella

Like I mentioned before, we're trying to make our outside space a comfortable, welcoming, relaxing space.

But I also didn't want to spend a fortune.


Such is life.

To our advantage, lots of places are having "end of summer" sales, so we've benefited from that. The one thing that kinda stinks about that though, is that the items on sale are usually not the exact item I want.

For instance. The umbrella we got is tan. I would've preferred a prettier color. But the prettier color was $200 more.

So, nope!

I'm so glad we got an 11ft umbrella. It covers the entire sectional. 

There are solar-powered lights underneath! 

The umbrella came with a HUGE base that did not fit nicely anywhere.

So we're doing a custom DIY mount.

Using these stakes to go into the concrete.

Ta-da! The umbrella swivels, turns, goes almost flat (like a wall) so we feel that even though we've made this pretty permanent, we will still get a ton of use from where it's positioned. 

Hawaii Vacation Day 11 (Friday) - LAST DAY

Even though it's our LAST day, I've been so looking forward to today. Today is the day we get our TATTOOS!  Jennifer and I definitel...

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