The Official End of Summer

Welp. There it is.

October first is in a couple of days. Which to me, marks the official end of Summer. The air is crisp, it smells like bonfires and apples.

We enjoyed my company's family picnic this past Friday and it was super fun. The weather was glorious and the girls had a blast.

The girls loved helping

enjoying some home-made Italian ice!

Baby obstacle course!

This bubba

75 and sunny.

Bounce House for the win, as always!

Steve ended up not feeling well on Saturday, so it ended up being a pretty lazy day. 

Sunday he was feeling better, in time for Mila's double header.


Mila was goalie and Steve and Ava are over there with her


Pep talk

You got this! Focus, girl!

I'm very proud of these kiddos! They won BOTH games! Couldn't be more proud. 

The trees are a changin'

It's official: the pool is closed.

Glad we got it taken care of on a nice day. It wasn't too bad. 

This was my view

This will never get old. 

You'll notice we don't have railings up yet on the deck. Our original plan was to go with wooden railings that we'd paint white. Now that we have the vinyl posts and caps, we really want to use vinyl railings now, too. It just makes sense. So we'll need to save a few more dollars so we can make that happen next year. And, it'll be maintenance free. Steve just couldn't drill holes into those nice vinyl posts knowing he'd prefer vinyl railings.

We also moved our next batch of baby chicks outside into the small coop. I didn't get any pictures, since we just wanted it done and Steve wasn't about to have any patience for me to document the whole thing. Since they are still little, we have a light out there with them to keep them warm at night. They have all their feathers, so they should be fine. 

I woke up this morning and busted out the space heater for the bathroom while I got ready. BRRRR. It was freezing! 

Coming up for Air

The past 2 months have been crazy, to say the least.

Mostly work.

Actually, it's pretty much all work stuff.

The amount of work my department has is staggering.

When I started, I was considered a "team member"

Several months ago, I was asked to lead the department.

I said "yes" of course, and then had one direct report.

We were a department of two.

It was great. We are cut from the same cloth and have similar personalities. We're loud, we're blunt and we get shit done.

And then we got busier.

And busier.

And busier.

And then we found out my direct report is pregnant (yay!) but omg.

We hired two project managers to help out.

And then another.

And we were still drowning.

I just recently hired a senior person to take over some of the workload.

I was also told by my boss "maybe it's time you start thinking about transitioning the day-to-day stuff and do more oversight" - which is GREAT. But, I'm also a control freak and have a hard time letting go of stuff.

But, working until 11pm at night almost every night for the past 8 weeks is also not sustainable.

I'm grumpy.

A lot.

I'm stressed.

I'm in pain.

However, the next few weeks don't look like they will be as insane as the last couple of months.

My new hire starts in a couple of weeks and I think that will be a huge help.

I hope this means I can come up for air a bit.

My blogging has taken a back seat purely due to the fact that the time I used to spend drafting blogs is now spent doing actual work.

But, I promise, I'm coming back! Just hang in there.

Tennis anyone?

Or in my case, tennis ELBOW, anyone?

Several months ago, I started getting some pain in my right elbow (I'm right handed).

Just when I was carrying someone, bringing groceries into the house (in one trip, of course). But nothing bad.

I was also doing some light weight work (no cardio) and the pain just kept getting worse.

I finally decided to deal with it when the simple act of brushing my teeth became too much to bear.

My PCP: So, you'll need to immobilize your arm and go to physical therapy. Keep your elbow tucked in really close to your body and try not to use your arm.

Me: Um...I'm right-handed, have two active kids, two crazy dogs, 35 chickens and run a mini-farm, all while working full time out of the home.

PCP: well, ok, so when can you fit in PT?

Me: I can't.

PCP: let me send you to an ortho specialist and see what they recommend.

Me: Perfect.

Ortho: So, you'll need to immobilize your arm and go to physical therapy. Keep your elbow tucked in really close to your body and try not to use your arm.

Me: Um...I'm right-handed, have two active kids, two crazy dogs, 35 chickens and run a mini-farm, all while working full time out of the home.

Ortho: We could do a cortisone shot, which will mask the pain for about 3 months. You'll need to still be careful with your arm, but at least you'll be able to use it.

Me: where do I sign.

So I get the shot and am told that the night after the shot would be very painful.

He was not lying.

During dinner, I could barely eat, my arm was HOT and THROBBING.


The next day was much better, but still very, very sore.

The following day after that, all the pain was gone. 

And now here we are, 3.5 months later. With the same (worse?) pain.

I was up every hour last night.

If I slept with my arm straight, after an hour it'd hurt and I'd have to reposition. After an hour with it bent, pain, get up and reposition.

It is terrible.

I have another cortisone injection scheduled for next week. It just cannot come soon enough.

Air Fryer Review and Recipes

So I got an air fryer.

Well, my mom got us an air fryer.

Another appliance.

Have I mentioned Steve's hatred of appliances?

He thinks many of them are useless.

He fought me on my Ronco Rotisserie for years before I actually got one.

And let me tell you, the prime rib I've made in that thing? So worth the fact I only bust it out basically once a year at Christmas to make said Prime Rib (I will do a separate, holiday cooking post).

In the beginning though, I did roast a chicken about once a week. It was great having cooked chicken ready to include with any weeknight meal.


My mom insisted on getting this air fryer for us.

Last year she insisted on getting us the Instant Pot.

She's always "with" the fads. LOL.

I was kinda like "eh" with the air fryer.

Steve's sister has one and last Christmas told us that we'd use it, how much she does etc. etc. I still didn't run out and buy it.

So it arrived and I have used that thing every. single. day. 

First of all.

Mom's egg rolls are LEGIT in that thing. Once you fry them and freeze them, you can't microwave them (no matter what Steve might tell you). You HAVE to reheat in the oven to get the outside crispy. And we know how I am with crispy.

Well, turn that bitch on to 400 degrees, put whatever into the bin and put the timer to like 7 minutes.


Perfectly, crispy, hot in the middle delicious fucking egg rolls/French fries/hashbrowns/vegetables/etc.

So good!

I made crispy baby potatoes in the air fryer the other day. Super simple and easy to use and the end product was so good.

I got a super simple version. You can get fancy with digital controls, etc. but we just went with simplicity (and reasonably priced). 

Salt, pepper, thyme, rosemary, olive oil. Tossed around and then placed into the air fryer. I turned it on to 400 degrees and set the timer for about 15 minutes. I think it took about 10-12 before they were done! Sorry I don't have an after pic. They were amazingly delicious, crisp and tender inside. 

I am going to try some zucchini. Will report back. 

A. Perfect. Weekend.

There's no other way to describe it.

We had a great week that led into the perfect weekend.

Last Monday, as I drove the girls to school, I kept reminding them that we had a fun weekend ahead and that we had to keep it together so we could really enjoy it all.

The forecast was also stupid-amazing for the entire week. 

The girls and I got through the week with flying colors - and in our world, that means that no one freaked out before or after school that required any serious discipline. Serious discipline in our world = going to their rooms separately so everyone can calm the fuck down. And no meltdowns after school/before bedtime.

My girls rocked it out. We had breezy mornings. Each kid getting to school bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and on time.

It was lovely.

The girls were excited and well-behaved because they knew we were going 4-wheeling Saturday.

Steve has a friend. His friend knows this guy. This guy owns a shit-ton of land and owns all sorts of gravel pits, dump trucks, dozers, backhoes, whatever, he's got it.

Steve's other the ranch hand? LOL. The property manager? Steve's Kula's bitch? We're not sure.

But, we spent Saturday here:

100 acres somewhere in Prattsburg, NY

And here's why I came:


This man has donkeys, you guys!!! REAL LIVE FUCKING DONKEYS. If that wasn't the most amazing thing ever....they are MINI-DONKEYS. They are by far the cutest fucking things I've ever seen in my entire life.

Gingerbread, the darker one, is the mom. She's 37 years old and is the sweetest thing. She runs right over and is ready to make friends. I wanted to KICK myself for forgetting the carrots and turnips I had planned on bringing. Ugh.

Her son, George, is the lighter, fatter donkey. He's 15. I'm DYING YOU GUYS.

I easily could spend all day with them. Nuzzling them. ARE YOU KIDDING. 

They are SO SOFT. 


I literally cannot even. 

This is why Steve comes (he's brought the girls a few times before; this is my first time).

That's Jeff, the "ranch-hand/bitch" lol. Super nice guy. 

the toys and one of several outbuildings

Let's go!

The perfect day for a ride

Girls who ride

of course. 

And then there's more:

One of several stocked ponds

The girls down by the pond. It was a breezy 82 degrees.

Tom, the turkey, the girl turkey (I don't know her name) and babies!!

The girls! So cool to watch them all ride. There were more girls than boys! There was only one boy lol. Here they are looking for tadpoles and frogs.

On our way down to Kula's house (it's only about 30 minutes from my house), we had to go through Naples' Grape Fest. There were tons of vendors. Grape everything. Pies, tarts, wine, arts and crafts. Super cute. We made a note that we'd stop on the way home. 

We were at Kula's from about 10am - 4pm, so a pretty long day. But, we all seemed to have enough in us to stop. 

The girls got some shaved ice.


We got them these cute wooden name plaques for their bedroom doors

We went home, did bath (we were MUDDY!) and settled in for the night. The girls went to bed easily! 

Sunday was another busy day. I realized really late that Mila's first soccer game was before her BFF's birthday party. I swear it was the other way around. 

Anyway, that just meant that we had to hustle in the morning. We started the morning by going to Walmart to buy gifts for the birthday girls (they're twins). 

We had enough time to stop by the tent sale our little hamlet was holding (the same people who own the ice cream shop near us) and we picked up a few odds and ends. I got an entire bag full of Christmas decorations (don't judge me) and the girls got some Barbies and accessories. We spent $6.75. I call that justified. 

Anyway, we had just enough time to stop home, eat lunch and go to Mila's first soccer game! 

Let me just let you all know. I'm that mom. Holy SHIT, I'm that mom.

Like, I'm pacing. I'm yelling. I'm trying not to yell like crazy-lady yell but when it's there's a good hustle, man, I'm yelling.

I'm just BURSTING with pride for my girl. She's just doing so well! It was really hot today (85) and she didn't complain once. 

Team Yellowjackets! I'm going to get her a yellow headband. 

Mila got a great save

"good game"

Here's the thing. It was a really good game. 

The other team had us 3-0 at the half. 

We have two stand out kids. B and S. 

B is really, really good. Great footwork and control.

Anyway, we were down 3 and within 5 minutes came back with 3 goals and tied! B freaking got the ball, got it away from a pile of kids and kicked that shit high into the corner. That was after he scored the previous goal. lol. 

I didn't think I'd be this into it. I didn't think Mila would be this into it.

I'm SO pumped that we're this into it. 

Our super-fun weekend doesn't end there!

Right after we lost the game (but man, it was a great effort), we had to head over to the ice-rink for a birthday party! 

Again, I'm super proud of this girl! She was sweating her butt off after playing a great game and seriously trying hard, and she put on winter gear and got out on the ice! She didn't hesitate one second and just went out. Her BFF is the little girl behind her. She takes lessons and has for the last year so she's really good. 

Mila did great! After a few minutes of getting the hang of it, she was able to push off and glide a bit. She'd take a break, come in, chat with me for a minute and then go back out. Steve went out with her for a bit but got "talked to" about not wearing skates, saying that if he fell, they'd get in trouble. What the fuck? The probability of him falling with skates is 100%. 

But, again, she did great! 

The rest of our Sunday was pretty lazy and then we enjoyed what was probably the last summer night and ate our dinner outside. 

I'll be posting an Air Fryer review soon.

It was perfect outside. 

It was the perfect end to a perfect weekend. This one is definitely one for the books.

We're likely not going to have many more days like this ahead of us. 

Hawaii Vacation Day 11 (Friday) - LAST DAY

Even though it's our LAST day, I've been so looking forward to today. Today is the day we get our TATTOOS!  Jennifer and I definitel...

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